
Viagra and prostate cancer.

I think their goal is “nothing.”

“And once we get it done, and then we can have the chance to really explain it.”

I prefer to imagine Emma Thompson jamming a fork into his jugular.

Reporter from Time should have stated, President Trump we are going to fact check everything you say and if anything isn’t true we will correct it in the article before it’s published.

This is a splendid idea. Mythbusters: internet memes edition. And they could release it via social media. Cause that’s a thing they do these days?

You know it’s fake right?

... or they were already sanctimonious douchebags, and this just happens to be the perfect brand to self identify around.

Seems to me that “supporting the troops” would be doubling the pay of everyone in uniform and fully funding the VA.

They should get the army to build and repair roads and bridges!

The US is over a dozen trillion in debt and the GOP wants to ramp up spending (like they did the last time they were in power). It’s time to wind down this “world police” nonsense. We are telling our citizens that millions of them will have to go without healthcare so that we can spend hundreds of billions policing

There is a lot of truth to this. Most of this is a “if we do not support the military, we are taking jobs” logic. So we are basically creating jobs that are not needed and spending money that could be used for other things. I honestly do not see a way out of it. Washington refuses to reform itself because it benefits

Or, you know, Apple “fanboys” just enjoy pretty things which work really well most of the time. I will really never understand the argument that it’s “stupid” to like Apple, just because there are other solutions that are better ON PAPER.

Quiet, comrade! Loose lips sink dictatorships!

I don’t get it either, why would I want to work for a place where I have to pay out of pocket for gas and add more mileage,wear and tear that I have to foot the bill for when things break down. Exactly how dose anyone make money after all these added expenses that the company pays zero of?

Well the people who were upset and called to demand another pizza can take consolation in the fact that the workers almost certainly spit in the replacement one.