
This is the kind of behavior that should get you a lifetime ban from owning guns. This is EXACTLY the kind of person that walk into an office/theater/bar/clock tower with a loaded gun and starts picking off people because something he didn’t like happened.

My point is that the example used is a false equivalency. British colonists were stuck under rule of a monarchy with no say in how they were treated and had no means of influencing change.

Yes, why did Washington just participate in the democratic process of England at the time and use his equal rights as a British citizen to try to change things through the representative political system of the time...

No. the tiers themselves are actually extremely basic. If you can’t understand them after more than a couple of minutes you have a learning disability.

“Cincinnati Cyclones keeper Michael Houser didn’t know that, because he tried to throw hands last night. It did not end well.”

LOL, well done.

Speaking in a general sense about the US and using 80's LA as an example.

People who believe in clean diesel and clean coal are living a fantasy.



Personally I don’t give a shit if he showers in the piss of his children daily. It’s all the other shit he says and does that can actually impact my life that I care about and the media is now ignoring for this stupid story.

Title correction:

Title correction:

Out of so many episodes there gotta be a scene/joke for every occasion. Not the level of Simpsons or even South Parl, but plenty to go around.

Transitiom, not tradition.

What kills me is that a man who has to take charge of so much that is so critical and in such a short period of time is taking all kinds of time self-congratulating tours, petty twitter bickering, and micro-managing individual businesses that aren’t even his own.

A politician is a solid investment.

I would give him credit if at the same time he was pushing just as hard for those jobs to pay a decent wage, but as it stands now he couldn’t care less if those jobs brought back to the US didn’t pay any more than they do in Mexico.

If he wants to buy one he’s shooting himself in the foot. Everything he’s doing is going to make the cars more expensive.

“one who switched to the Democratic party solely to make his run easier.”

He didn’t win. He lost the popular vote.