God wants Tebow to be a dual-sport athlete.
God wants Tebow to be a dual-sport athlete.
we were homeschooled, and my mother had the attitude of "surviving" math. you learn it to pass the tests, then you're free!! she infected two of her children but not my middle brother. he was always commenting on how he would have like to take algebra 2 (in he was like 17) but she poo-poo'ed him saying "nooooo…
I work at the flagship research university of a state that is very low in national education rankings. We have huge rural areas in which the school districts have pretty much no money for even basic science education. We make presentations and have fun little demos to show the kids what a scientist or engineer does.…
Teaching for seven years, I've noticed a depressing trend (at least for the classes I teach). Boys tend to take physics and calculus classes more than girls while girls tend to take statistics classes more than boys. As for algebra classes, the honors classes tend to be more male-centric while the regular classes…
Today, Texas Governor/dangerous buffoon Rick Perry really outRicked himself when he chastised Texas Senator Wendy…