Caitlin S.

Excellent points! I have never looked at it that way but your right. For some reason I always expect very bad things to be revealed about him. There is something so strange about his character that seems to forebode evil. But if you actually just look at his actions, and consider that Cersei is a very bad person, he

So does anyone else find it a little strange just how much we hate the High Sparrow? The only people that he’s messing with are people that we’ve spent most of the last five seasons hating. His stated goal is to reform the corruption that’s overtaken the crown and to help the downtrodden of Westeros. His methods are

Why not both?

You get a star just for giving us “Flayers gonna flay flay flay flay flay”.

My money’s on that Dire Wolf head being fake and Rickon and Osha playing their own game, with the Umbers as backup. Osha’s too badass to be taken by Umber’s men- the only reason she got caught by the Starks was because was traveling with chumps.

When young Ned hears Bran cry out to him, is this an indication that he might be able to influence events or communicate with people from the past?

Poor direwolves. They keep getting killed. I hope the remaining 3 do some awesome stuff and not die. And Ghost is an awesome loyal direwolf.

I need some more Varys vs. Littlefinger style verbal combat

First of all...noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Shaggydog whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy????