
Manuel doesn't usually associate with those types.

Northern CA wine country area, lowest I've seen is $3.15/gal if you buy a carwash. $3.33 without.

- Lee Iacocca

Looks terrible from more than 4 feet away.

This is a great idea, except I have Tourette's Syndrome, and one of my tics is a rather violent spasm of my lower body. This includes clenching my butt cheeks. About every 10 seconds, my brakes would slam on.

Today, on things I didn't know were an option...

Or else they'll send your CTS to the ICU, and you'll be SOL.

What the fuck is going on here?

Countach, in either fire engine red or fluorescent yellow.

I like how you bolded both "not" AND "fiery death".


S600 of course.

I beg to differ.

Agreed on the Crown Vic, with one BIG caveat - if your car is a 1997-or-earlier model, reliability comes down to one tiny nylon grommet holding your TV cable to your throttle body. If that goes, and it will go, your transmission is toast. My 1992 died with 82,000 on the odo due to this problem.

Wow, that really does make a huge difference.

It isn't hard. Undo all the screws, and wiggle gently until you get all the plastic clips undone. Once you're inside the door, the regulator will come out easily. Helps to have someone around to hold on to the window.

Are those birds or people shrieking?