
It’s an excellent point. Thank you for repeating it.

I’m just here to offer a regular reminder that just because a virus is survivable, doesn’t mean it isn’t still bad. I survived my two weeks with COVID fine, but a year of ever increasing medical problems that are all related to the infection are what is causing the real damage. Damage to my life, my physical health,

I saw the story earlier somewhere else and it omitted the fact that she died by suicide at 20. Everything about this story is nightmarish.

People in Gaza are now chanting a modified version of the Arab Spring slogan ‘The people want the downfall of the regime’ in protest of Mahmoud Abbas.

How interesting that you fail to mention that Wilder referred to a Jewish billionaire as a “naked mole rat.” I’m wondering who else in history compared Jews to vermin? Oh yeah, that’s right.

I don't know the racial makeup of her baby, but I do know that many Black babies are born with very light skin. Most gradually become darker over time. Some remain that skin color for life. Black people come in all shades.

Esther, thanks for linking to the National Network of Abortion Funds. I also recommend, for donating to independent clinics which make up the majority of the last standing abortion providers in the South, like the Jackson Women’s Center.

She lied in her applications, her confrimation was rushed through. They should move to revoke her confirmation.

In Canada, but ready to take it to the streets AGAIN. We just got Ireland and Argentina. This can’t happen. Let’s go.

IMO, and I can’t speak for everyone, the way you keep referring to this conflict as if it’s a childish concept they should get over is off-putting.

the big reason Jews came to Palestine during the middle of the last century was because they were scared shitless after being hunted down and murdered in the millions. There was a period of about five years where almost no Jews left Europe, despite the holocaust going down, because there was literally *no country

We agree, though that’s more or less how Jews were exiled from Palestine in the first place. It’s not like they all simply migrated away from their ancestral homeland. Many were forcibly removed by their own occupiers during multiple points in antiquity, and then later forcibly removed from the places they resettled.

In 1948, the League of Nations, led by the British, created Israel as a homeland for the Jews. But it was already the homeland of Palestinians, Jews, Christians, Druze, Bedouins, and other Arabs. It was a messy start, going back to 1917, at least. In 1967 in particular, Egypt and Israel went to war over trade route

Breyer needs to retire ASAP. He’ll be 83 in August and we don’t need another repeat of RBG. Plus with a 50/50 split in the Senate and a midterm election next year nothing is guaranteed. If Republicans take back the Senate McConnell would have zero qualms about holding a vacancy open for however many years it takes

For now. The next step will be a national abortion ban, which will get introduced by Republican congressmen in basically every congress after the strike-down, and is a credible threat if Republicans win big in 2024. That’s something that might actually get them to break the filibuster.

People have a real tendency to consolidate the entire history of the region down to soundbites. There have been so many forced displacements throughout even recent history that any attempt to simplify it to “This group kicked out that group” is pretty ridiculous, but you also aren’t allowed to say “It’s complicated.”

Sure, but why did Israelis come to occupy it in the first place? They didn’t choose Palestine to move to because the neighbors were friendly to them or because the land itself was plentiful with resources. The matter is more complicated than a war over a mutually deemed sacred place to be sure, but you can’t remove

How darling! This from the “supermodel” who underwent extensive plastic surgery to alter her beautiful ethnic features.

So she called AOC “crazy eyes?” Has she looked in a mirror lately? She looks like she skinned her victim and wears their face as a mask.