
I suspect makeup artists are secretly sabotaging them. See also: Mitt Romney’s brown face on Univision about ten years ago.

At one point during the pandemic, when I was living in a cabin in the woods in the middle of nowhere with no car or available ride service, I was feeling a little aggravated. So I started direct messaging Susan Collins to express my overall disappointment over her refusal to stand for anything whatsoever that

Wish Wolverine!

Anti-vaxxers, it’s time for your vaccine.

I’ve been wondering often what Sotomayor thinks of her current lot. It must be so dismaying to have to work with colleagues like this! But her voice is so necessary and important recently (this, death penalty cases, other dissents) that of course she must stay and I’m grateful she’s there. How frustrating.

It’s somewhere between brazen, (depressingly) hilarious, and infuriating that we in the US could literally ever castigate other countries as “authoritarian” when this is the result of “democratic” processes here at home. What a repulsive man, what a repulsive decision, what a repulsive institution.

I guess Kavanaugh's Federalist Society paymasters must have figured out that the school-to-prison pipeline could be made much more profitable by eliminating the school part.

What I am happy about is that from now on, in the law books, a police officer has gone to jail for causing a man’s death. That wording is important, and I’m sure that wasn’t a coincidence that the prosecution wanted him charged with those specific things. He didn’t go to jail for murdering a man (which I know sounds

As much as I would like to agree - he could have easily gotten off in Minnesota, or probably any other state too.  Juries can be damn stupid. I’m relieved he got convicted today.  

Really? Ask Philandro Castile about that.

Also to get reforms and societal changes in place that keep us from being here in the first place.

My home had a sewer backup overnight and my entire living room got flooded with raw sewage and this verdict still somehow has me feeling like it’s a great fucking day.  Thank the gods.

Particularly tragic with Courtney, who has been sexualized from an early age. Instead of being allowed to explore their expression safely, they were basically abandoned by mom because of how they dressed.

Some of the most common gaslighting phrases include:

The Internal Affairs guy, who is supposed to be neutral, has already been reassigned.

Ms. Lopez, this is a Wendy’s. 

Yeah, I could see some contributors being a little miffed, but since they say the compensation was good and nobody's upset enough to go on the record...


Before you do that, it may behoove you to know that the murder rate in Mexico is more than double that of the United States, at 13.9 murdered per 100,000 inhabitants versus the US’ 5.

There’s a reason so much detective fiction features a private sleuth and moronic police.