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And it’s still going on, sadly. I just learned about the dismal representation of Afro-Brazilians in media from this webseries Grace Neutral hosted. She interviewed Nayara Justino, a black actress who was stripped of her beauty pageant award and contract because she’s black. The whole video is great, but the interview

Hmmm my non-expert opinion says you’re revulsed by the opposite of this effect, because you know they’re human. You can be properly creeped out by the uncanny valley when you’re unsure if human.

Oh yeah, Polar Express was suuuper freaky! It’s more comfortable to watch if you imagine they’re all dead and on a train to the afterlife. I could see your response to monkeys being close because we are so alike. But I love monkeys, so I’m more fascinated by our similarities than anything!

In aesthetics, the uncanny valley is the hypothesis that human replicas which appear almost, but not exactly, like real human beings elicit feelings of eeriness and revulsion among some observers.[2] ... Examples can be found in robotics, 3D computer animations, and lifelike dolls among others.

It’s simpler, and crueler than that, I’m afraid. More babies leads to more dependence on the system. Can’t climb the career ladder when you’re busy putting food on the table. No time to pay attention to current affairs, no time to cook or research what’s healthy for your family.... keep shopping for cheap stuff at the

Yeah, I did mean Dutch. I’d recommend you educate yourself a little more on who is being trafficked in the Netherlands and why reporting is on the rise everywhere sexual assault victims are finally being taken seriously...... but I see you’re a special kind of concern troll. Bye.

Never said anything about a majority, and believe me I understand cultures are rigid and change takes many generations. I guess you could start by counting the parents who get that forcing their child to “give Aunt Sue a hug and kiss!!” is a violation of their kid’s ability to consent.

I firmly believe kids know the

2nd sentence: family, friends and teachers
5th sentence: humans and other eusocial animals

It starts with consent. From a young age, we can teach that consent is a good thing in relationships. It’s a connection. For little kids, it’s giving a friend a hug only if they would be receptive or asking if you can share their toys before jumping into play. We innately understand wanted connection versus unwanted,

Pretty much:

Do a make-under. She’ll tell you so herself!

Yes! Think nice, sensible cotton/wool blend on the front, pathetic wimpy LACE on the back!!

See also: backless cardigans. What is the point!?

I need Princess Valhalla Hawkwind on a t-shirt! A Shero for us all!!

too much highlighter, maybe a little coco

Agreed. I’m glad the victim is appealing, and the way to seek justice now is for NS women to organize, protest, and pressure the cab company to fire him. He was clearly shirking his work to engage in (highly questionable) sex on the job and it would be irresponsible for the company to continue employing him.

But snail mucus face masks are cool, right??