
Kirk, I would have loved all this attention from you when I was 14. You lost your chance by ignoring me and all my obsessiveness from watching that show every week and buying all those Tiger Beats. You lost it big time, and now, I think you know it too, so please stop trying to tell me how to be a wife and mom, you

An eidtor wasnt’nt un teh.... Budget.

I'm sorry you confused my conveying facts from the trial for some personal opinion, so how about you fuck right off, eh? No need for being a dick or ascribing quotes to me that aren't mine.

With a well reasoned argument like that, obviously I will

Seeing as I wasn’t there, I can’t say. Think I read that he played for a day or two in the middle and a fever broke. In the not crazy world where we don’t feed babies horseradish, I can kind of almost see... But it always comes back to that their ‘experts said to go in’

Yes, not like they misplaced him.

Meh, I suppose I’m not as black and white and perfect as some others when I’m not out with a flaming pitchfork. You’d think I actually didn’t blame them.

Called and met it partway once they finally panicked.

And that’s absolutely when they should have gone, if they couldn’t figure it out themselves. When the ‘experts’ that you trust tell you to go, just do it.

They fucked up. The parents fucked up when they didn’t go to the hospital. They made a fatal choice with their baby’s life. AND it was made worse by a badly equipped ambulance when they finally made the right decision. But, they fucked up. That is what my post says. They fucked up and then it got worse.

Pretty sure that's exactly what I didn't say.

According to testimony, he did appear better twice before that final day.

I live bear where this is happening, and have some common friends with them, so have heard all sorts of things about this. I don’t blame their views of vax about this (was told the meningitis was the wrong one anyway). I don’t even blame them for trying to help at home- at first. But, when their naturopathic “dr” and

Missed him in Calgary because I was on mat leave and broke. Now I'm broken.

He was my first dirty dream.

I never warmed up to Michael Strahan and they way she fawned on him.I liked Seth and Jerry OConnell and Anderson Cooper. I just never clicked with the chemistry after.

Right? Like yeah, it was before the full story was known and may have been under a pseudonym, but it was for middle school kids ABOUT A DOLPHIN FUCKER. The evangelicals probably don't even have this on their radar... Like, Tom Sawyer is no big deal. What's next? Bedtime stories by Bernardo? Dating advice from Robert

A couple of years ago, I realized that a short story we read in grade 7 was about this guy. We read a story about a dolphin fucker in public school!!!! It was about teaching the dolphin to say her name.