
Only if you paid $45,000 for an ejection seat row. Otherwise you are tossed into an airlock and then exposed to the vacuum of space.

You will have to compete with American Airlines. Just be careful, living in outer space will drive you nuts. Soon you’ll be talking with poker playing robots.

Once Pan Am gets back into business, they better start getting those rockets ready.

Got me son a closeout Minions Powerwheels for $52 shipped. Even comes with a fart cannon. Beat that!


I’d imagine any commercial product will have a lightweight sidewall for aerodynamics. Demonstration products often remove covers or have cutaways so people can see what is inside.

Not sure how this conflict with my world view.

Dear Gizmodo,

“He was a bold man that first ate an oyster.” 
- Jonathan Swift

I have nothing constructive to add besides some random rambling. Read at your own risk.

Alright.. someone has to say it.

I also have this as well. Great value.

I also have this as well. Great value.

Gizmodo wins this round.

Fully agree. I am glad that others see the issue as having many factors that need to be addressed. To be honest, I do not have any good answers. I know many people who are technical rockstars but awful human beings. Sometimes it is due to past experience, sometimes they are just jerks. Personally, I do not believe

Wow! Thank you for the civil discussion. Some very good points and the acknowledgement that there are many issues upstream that need to be addressed. Indeed the interest in tech needs to be cultivated early especially in the very impressionable teenage years.

I have stated the same before but folks already set on simplistic answers usually go on a rage bender. Most people only see A + B = C because it is easy. The reality is that the results are due to a variety factors without a single “ah ha” cause. The fixes will need to start far upstream and addressed at multiple

“Racism” is this generation’s version of grabbing attention, diverting the conversation, and shutting people down. Back in my day, we did the same by calling people “commies.”

and fascinating.

Some animals have been “Disneyfied” and harming them has become unacceptable due to the “cute” factor. Many people get outraged over deer hunts because they envision cute like fawns prancing through the forest a la Bambi. In reality, deer can be downright mean and nasty. They also tend eat all alot and uncontrolled

Most human females would say the same about human men’s understanding of their vaginas.