Female is appropriate as an adjective; “A female doctor,” “a female coworker,” “a female patient.” It can also be used to describe an animal; “The female was observed marking her territory by spraying urine on the door.”
Female is appropriate as an adjective; “A female doctor,” “a female coworker,” “a female patient.” It can also be used to describe an animal; “The female was observed marking her territory by spraying urine on the door.”
If this happens, I will goddamn dedicate myself to financially and socially punishing anyone who has anything to do with it.
Sherlock’s lasting achievement will be that in just 12 episodes it reached the same level of smug, masturbatory, meta, self-referential self-satisfaction that it can take other cult shows decades to hit.
Suicide in Australia plummetted after they enacted strict gun laws. People are weirdly a-ok with folks killing themselves. Well, people like the NRA. Wonder if they consider it their god given right to end their lives?
This statement is true in large part because I’m not sure social media ever had a point in the first place. Oh sure Zuck swore up and down that he wanted to connect the corners of the globe, and Twitter wanted to be a platform to show what was happening in the world and what people were saying about it.
Of dudes from the original Jurassic Park cast, I would have thought Sam Neill was more bangable. But I’m a straight guy, so what do I know
As someone who lives in the district, I would also point out that Conor Lamb had a pretty clean campaign. The NRCC made hysterical ads that assumed the base are scared, stupid, and have never seen a Law & Order episode (while making actual sheep jokes, I kid you not). Lamb’s ads focused on how people had put money…
It’s almost as if national parties don’t fully capture the nuances of local constituents.
Why should it have been a decisive win? It’s a district Trump won by 20%. A razor thin victory is actually very good.
Cats domesticated themselves when they discovered we were stupid enough to give them food and worship them as gods. So we’re not totally worthless, the cats figured that out. It’s just the dogs we don’t deserve.
Um, if someone told me to put my dog in the bin, I’d be like, “Yo there is a dog in there.” And if they continued to insist, I would ask to speak to the head attendant, and then the pilot. And if they still insisted, I’d get my ass off that plane. NOTHING would cause me to put my dog in the overhead bin. I would risk…
So I have a German Shepherd mix who thinks it’s hilarious to stand in the middle of the magnetic screen I bought for him so he is both inside and outside. He also refuses to allow me to take pictures of him, even if I turn off the flash, and I have no idea why. He’s good friends with the cat and enjoys nilla wafers.
I will watch The Holiday whenever it’s on. The Jack Black character gets on my nerves a little, but it’s the one Nancy Meyers movie I can stomach.
Finally the prestige series Battlefield Earth so richly deserves.
But your trans friend was cool with Trump shitting on black and brown people when she voted for Trump, so excuse me if I cut her no fucking slack.
I agree. And, while she’s intelligent in many ways, she’s incredibly gullible. She seems to have that “Goop” mentality of “This ‘expert’ is attractive and charismatic; therefore his/her opinions/treatments must be legit!”. From Dr. Oz to “The Secret,” she’s consistently championed pseudoscience and woo-hoo on her…
People, Oprah running for president is NOT a good idea. NOT. Like, at all. Oprah is a very smart, very kind person, and those are great leadership qualities- but that’s not all that’s required of a president. I have no reason to think that Oprah can create and push through an infrastructure bill. Or oversee the…
What should make you shudder is that feminists today are so braindead that they defend shit like that under the guise of “sex-positivity”.
This happened with the similarly wobbly Grace & Frankie, which didn’t finds its footing until Season 3. —Say whaaa?! Not one thing was wobbly about it. It was golden from the first episode. But then again, that’s just my opinion because l freaking loooove that show!