Kevin Hill

So you're totally fine with someone kidnapping children, using them as human shields and mangling them before their parents eyes. Of course little kids don't know what's being done to them is wrong, kids are stupid. Kids who can't feel pain often blind themselves before they realize how important sight is. That Man's

I still say Pep-But is a serious threat. Do you really believe that goblin was dead when he got there?

What has Pep-But ever done to protect the kingdom. I think he's more of a Jafar type. Completely self-serving and manipulative. His loyalty act is a sham. He only helped F&J that time to get their flesh.

Slow folk will let you have their kidneys if you ask nicely.

What makes you think Pep-But is a goodie. Seems like the next LIch-level threat to all life in the making. Harboring monsters trafficking with demons. Besties with Hunson Abadeer AND Death himself? What good has he done to counter all this evil? I think he and a rattleballs are gonna have a showdown about this. Also

YEEAH BOY! Way to site precedent.

PEP-BUT TRIED TO KILL HIM FIRST! 'sides he evil. Dude's got a gank comin' to him.

Sorry Naive One, but I know two people who do exactly that. They've raised their family to do exactly that. The Wilson body count is ridiculous. People who try to use moral relitivism to hand wave evil aren't being logical. Eventually grey graduates to black.

Uh uh. Don't wuss out now. You knew this was a real time show when you started. Some times are boring. One's prime doesn't last forever and life goals will be changed by puberty. Deal with it.

I…We all read that in babycakes' voice.

I think Jake is getting old and Finn is getting teenage lazy.

YES! So my mom can't kick me out becasue i've been paying all the bills! You've saved my marriage! THANK YOU!!

She's full blooded. The pups will enjoy hybrid vigor at first and then age and die rapidly.

So seeing a border crossing and arrest didn't make you think of people crossing borders and being arrested? wierd

Most fans expect future-speak from the characters by now.

Squatter's Rights. Also they pay taxes on it.

I think Jake is getting old. His advice sucks now and he's getting more irresponsible not less. If PB hadn't interfered in "The Tower" Finn would have killed himself.

Finn just needs an older girlfriend to teach him about himself.


That's because your Daddy Issues are not strong enough. I knew the plot as soon as they showed Kim's face.