The ETA is correct and he’s a disgusting slob—but to be fair the death of my parents were the two hardest and loneliest periods of my life.
The ETA is correct and he’s a disgusting slob—but to be fair the death of my parents were the two hardest and loneliest periods of my life.
Aren’t they better sounding than the japanese suicide bikes though? The latter sound like an angry swarm of killer bees.
Um. Bullshit.
Make your political leanings as plain as possible in any online comment you make about healthcare, the environment, taxes, etc.And as Lemming said: keep calling! And writing letters. Join your local Indivisible, or Move On, or Our Revolution group. Go to the Dem’s monthly r semi monthly meetings. Register to vote.…
Mike Pence is an albino shit stain. Thanks so so much, Indifuckingana. Except for the Kurt Vonnegut and the Green brothers, your state sucks and sucketh. BTW—Has the road construction EVER been completed around Indianapolis? It had been going on for 10 years, 7 years ago. It’s been a few years since I had to navigate…
A lot of Vice writing has left a bad taste in my mouth for awhile. They’re not as clever as they think they are. Especially the way they reported after the election.
All stars for you.
There are some stupid batshit crazy white people in this country. Jayzus.
Meghan Linsey represents a lot of people. I thank her for making her statement.
Bowing to the pressure. I had an old white man tell me last night that the white people boycott of the NFL was going to be effective. It makes me sick to my stomach that he may be right.
These fucking people are disgusting. They are liars to the bone—it’s in their fucking dna. Sociopath liars. What’s the saying? “The devil loves to sow confusion...”
Thank you. Stop allowing our young girls to be overly sexualized—That ish is not appropriate attire for high school girls. I respect a stripper for her hustle, doesn’t mean I want my daughter or nieces to dress like one. Adult women can make a decision like that, and even they can get it wrong.
Uh oh—I hurt a cracker’s feelings...”Ag Industry”—you sell chemicals then. Fuck right off. If you know what’s going on in that state, and you don’t have the morality to challenge it, you’re typical of Floriduh’s population.
I lived in Florida. Recently, for a brief period of time. Nothing in my post was “uncalled for”. As a matter of fact, I wish I had used stronger language. Florida is a mass of reactionary and ignorant people who love the status quo. The poor people of that state are the ones I have a heart for.
This is beautifully written. Ruiz-Goiriena is a powerful writer. I’m rejoicing that there are still journalists like her—writing real shit about real people.
Just donated. Come on Jezzies! We can do better than this—as of now less than 7k has been raised. DONATE!
You’re wrong. Your fucking governor and the cabal of revolting crackers in the government down there have ruined Florida. And y’all let it happen. All for that tourist money and those greazy fuckers who over developed every county in that state.
Every bastard making money off these migrants should be run out of town. Where the fuck is the economic protection for these people?
What utter fucking bullshit. Rahm Emmanuel, yet again, completely blows an opportunity to be good at his job.
Black people don’t need to be “fixing” racists. White people y’all need to be getting at your own who are so nasty. An ally doesn’t ask black people, “What can I do?” An ally tells their fellow white people loud and clear that racism will not be tolerated. Black people don’t need to learn a thing about racism. The…