
Your language is needlessly incendiary. The mother didn’t attack her child. She spanked him with a belt. She was wrong and she faced the consequences that were then in place. It would have been better to offer her and her son in home services, require a year of parenting classes, and assign her a parent/mentor.

Yes, there is a distrust of professionals. Because your education does not necessarily trump my experience.

I was a foster parent. I had an open relationship with the birth parent, and there was no horrific abuse that had occurred. Child services in my neck of the woods has a deserved reputation for being vindictive about birth parents. These parents need help and good representation. They need education about child

I’m in public and had to cover my guffaw. Thank you.

Steve Colbert must think he’s the pope of late night television. When he’s actually tending toward schmaltzy and liberal catholic apologist more than entertainer with incisive shit to stay. Can’t rock the boat when you’re that high on the food chain, right Steve?

Those girls need a ass whupping. And to dare to call that vomit free speech is even more disgusting.

Steve Colbert thought it would be funny? Hm. He was wrong. Steve needs to stop acting like king of the world and get a fucking clue.

Go fuck yourself.

And you can’t spell “whole”, you asshole.

Dipshit: Avail yourself of a dictionary and a contemporary political thought textbook. It will keep you busy for awhile. You have the depth of a slice of bread.

Boom. Dayum lol

“....China where the left wing is in charge...” What the everlovingfuck are you even talking about? Jesus christ. You can’t be that fucking ignorant.

This This This. Thank you for saying it so well.

Yes. She has done for me also. She has an exquisite quality.

I won’t watch that dr phil shit. BTW: Listen to her album Universal Mother. I wore at least 2 copies of that out. Also: anything she did with the Chieftains.

Oy— I’m so sorry this happened to you.

I love you for this comment.

Thank you. Exactly.

Oh FUCK that bullshit. Maintaining an email relationship with someone you want to fuck is such a fucking betrayal. Why didn’t the husband share the emails he was sending with his wife? Why didn’t he say oh yeah this is weird I’m emailing an old flame? Because he’s a devious creep cretin, that’s why. You men who are

Florida is nothing but a toxic waste dump site. It’s been that way for over 50 years. I say close it up and let only the indigenous, the african americans who have lived there since the 1700's, and the native born crackers live there. Let it be a national park. And make every poisoning get rich quick fraudster get