i hope all of those boys were expelled and then had to make public apologies.
great post.
I would pull my kid out of the fucking boy scouts so goddam fast. And they would know why.
Um. WTF?
I’m a progressive democrat who would be proud to have Susan Collins as my rep. I got Grassley and Ernst. Ugh.
He is disgusting. As 99% of developers are.
jumpingjeezusfuckingchrist these people!
Great point.
What a goddamn monster she is. But you know most of the rest of the rethugs are thinking it, if not saying it.
He’s single????? Oh my daydreaming is going to be much more fun now that I know that...
That is shitty. How could your situation be fixed?
Florida is a fucking horror story of very sick people not being able to receive healthcare. Rick Scott and his brother are despicable human beings.
This whole column and all the comments need to be sent to every rethug rep. Can you do that Rachel? Or should we all do it ourselves?
You’re so full of shit. And you’re a sheep. YOU know better than the AMA? You don’t. The only reason the Affordable Care act is “collapsing” is because greedy insurance companies, medical supply companies, pharma companies, and gop reps. are sabotaging it. Along with all of you repug sheeple. Shame on you.
Yay Cecilia!
Me: Able to receive regular dental care. Especially during the time one of my back teeth broke. Able to receive regular mammograms and gyn exams through planned parenthood. Able to receive physical therapy for a degenerated vertebrae. (I’m a degenerate; the vertebrae is degenerated.) Have MS and prolonged major…
Great post. I especially appreciate you bringing up that many kids feel pressure, societal, to have sex when they are clearly not ready for the emotions or consequences that often accompany having sex with another person.
Children are inherently innocent. Children masturbate. There is no conflict between those two statements. Pedophilia is a terrible crime. Masturbation has nothing to do with pedophilia. There is no conflict between those two statements.
It’s too late for these kids. They laughed and mocked a helpless and dying man. Ain’t no motherfucking counseling in this world gonna get to them.