
Every GOP and Democratic state committee should be asking this question. Let’s get to it. The truth is that the ACA is supported by a simple majority of people. The truth is that it actually saves money that would otherwise go to greedy pharmaceutical reps, doctors, and medical supply companies.

Who on HELL married her??

a- fucking- men and say it again.

Dead. Bury me.

Must be nice to be able to write beautifully about anything ...damn.

AND ME!!!!!

Yes indeed.

Good point. I agree.

I love you all—your comment “block” soothes my soul.

You disagree with CPS’s argument. Not mine.

It is completely a violation of black children’s rights NOT to give them an education that prepares them for their future. If that means you learn to weld when you’re 17, it doesn’t mean you’re going to do it for the rest of your life. If you apprentice in some City Hall office, or with the parks dept it doesn’t mean

Fucking disgusting. And he learned his baby was dead in court, when those charges were read against him. How the FUCK do you fuck that up? There better be a forthcoming investigation of that coroner’s office. And of the medical personnel involved. Jesus fucking christ. And thank you for reporting on this Ms Savali. We

You must have grown up extremely middle class. I worked baby sitting from the time I was 11. And had a 20 hr week part time job while in HS. That is the norm. And, btw: I handed over “my” money to my mom every week. It went to pay bills, pay for groceries and gas.

I think the point is that these young people need to be taught before they ever leave HS that community colleges, and jobs are also options open to them. As is a gap year and volunteering for a year. As are a lot of other things. Graduating with a hs degree and going back to hang out on the block because you don’t


Ding ding ding —We have a winner! You’re exactly right.

LOL. Be my best friend will you?

Whoa. In my land it is. Congratulations on your strange country.

Oh Loco. I know you don’t understand in depth analysis, and charts and graphs. But other people do. So you can sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up ‘k?

addendum: Dress how you want to dress is exactly what I mean. I’m in a ripped and torn sleeveless old tshirt with a wrinkled tan long sleeve shirt over it, my trekking sandals, and my homemade toenail polish job. Pink. And a dirty old baseball cap. And shorts I believe I garbage picked somewhere. I wore earrings as a