
You’re a fucking moron. Yes, Michael Brown and this child were murdered by white cops. Cops very rarely are the “good” guys, you miserable fuck. Try to wrap your tiny little mind around that. Let go of your dick first. Yes, that’s it. It’ll still be there when you come back...

He had a bb gun. BB guns are considered toys where I come from. What you are defending is a trigger happy cop who murdered a boy. Because he isn’t a good enough cop to correctly assess a situation in order to avoid murdering 13 year old black boys.

LOL—I love Colorado. But I’m trying to participate in making change where I am— for now. The right wing (stubborn obtuse motherfuckers) people of this state don’t have the stones, or the numbers, to stand up against all of the progressives here.

Yup. I’m old enough that all my teachers are dead. I’ve got that going for me at least.

The evidence of misconduct is that that a 13 year old CHILD with no weapon was gunned down and killed by a murdering cop who uses his gun way too goddamn much. And btw: Your capitalizing of the word “cop” tells me exactly who you are. You’re a buffoon.

The evidence of misconduct is that that a 13 year old CHILD with no weapon was gunned down and killed by a murdering cop who uses his gun way too goddamn much. And btw: Your capitalizing of the word “cop” tells me exactly who you are. Buffoon.


Ding. Ding ding ding!

Yeah—I’m Iowa born and raised and I was thinking the same thing today. About the horseshit of brain drain and how Iowa and the upper midwest believe they should be retaining more of the folk that make money and businesses and blah blah blah ad infinitum. Small and medium sized Iowa towns are smug. And provincial. And

You’re quite the defender of the indefensible. Let me guess. You feel like the extra judicial killing of a 13 year old boy is business as usual. Fuck you. Troll.

He was running away. But you still get points for killing thirteen year old black boys who are running away. I have no words.

You truly have....I never thought I could loathe a place as much as I loathe SW Florida.

One does not know. Perhaps I go back to racking up medical debt that I will never be able to pay. I will most likely have to go without some of the meds I am currently taking. I’ll do what I did before— which was to avoid going to the doctor except in emergency situations.

Yup. N Central and S Central too.

Yeah. You’re not from Iowa. They’re far more smart and vicious then that.

People like me, who finally had insurance in Iowa, will be losing it come this November when the last public insurer in the state, United Healthcare, pulls out.Because they were waiting for any fucking opportunity to do so, and the bluster of the rotten orange and his minions allowed them to let themselves fail. I’m

Awesome sauce. Very satisfying news.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^. (What you said.)

Exactly what I want to say. This is pretty damn brilliant. More people should be reading it.

Unfuckingbelievable. Some consortium of justice better make a move soon— before these thieves and liars make any more illegal., immoral, and unethical money off this country. I’m SICK of it. Jayzus alfuckingmighty I’m sick of it.