
Troll troll-y mc troll face.

LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL—Stahp! I’m laughing myself to death!

Are you completely fucking heart attack serious or do you have brain damage? America has always been great, and it’s always been awful. You fucker.

All rethugs are right wing at this point. And they have been for awhile. They have an historical reputation for dirty tricks, lies , and the politics of obfuscation. Fuck them. The gloves are off.

Your sources?

I think he’s always had those views. He’s one of those evil old silent Iowa farmers. Wily, and intransigent. I agree he’s been a senator for far, far too long.

Fucking Gorsich’s only qualification that matters to these cretins is that he’s willing to repeal Roe v Wade. He’s so anti abortion right wing christian that I an smell the brimstone from here.

Thank you. He’s an asshole. And he always has been. He’s no fucking statesman. And neither is Grassley. Fuck them both in the ear.

I watched that shit show live. With my eyes full of blood. WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE?? Besides Carson and the revolting Omarosa? Is this the african american anti abortion contingent?

She’s an asshole. An entitled,vapid asshole. She exhibits the self awareness of a slug.

You’re kidding, right? Has she actually been confirmed?

Yup. We need to be talking to people who have lived under dictatorships. Chile; the USSR; Guatemala; Egypt; the Balkans; etc etc

No. This is unprecedented fuckery. Newt Gingrich et al attempted shit like this—but the orange buffoon and his minions are the most terrifying people to administrate our country in US political history.

You’re unconvincing. BTW: Your cheetoh in chief just fired the attorney general. For fucks sake. The material needed for impeachment is far past the saturation point. It’s just time to file the papers.

Charity Navigator is legit.

Echo chamber? Get the fuck out of here. I think you are referring to Breitbart and Faux news. There is absolute right and wrong. And most of the people of this country are fed up with lying weasels trying to tell us it’s “jut an opinion” when they try to shove their xenophobia and ignorance down our throats.


Start spreading the word. And it would be fucking amazing to see a nationwide general strike on Feb 20th. Amazing.

Get on the streets. And take every one of your friends with you.

Will you take me with you please?