No. NO! He didn’t make that nomination. Jayzus. Fucking Steve Bannon, Pence, and vicious and evil Kelly Ann did that. The fucking kkk probably had a say in it to.
No. NO! He didn’t make that nomination. Jayzus. Fucking Steve Bannon, Pence, and vicious and evil Kelly Ann did that. The fucking kkk probably had a say in it to.
Thank you for the link, and for reminding us that we better raise high holy hell starting yesterday, about any nominations he makes. And if y’all personally aren’t giving money to or volunteering for your state reps and senators, and dogcatcher up for election in 2018...
No. It’s not drugs. It’s their fucking personalities. This is who they are. Don’t blame it on drugs.
Fuck this stupid motherfucker. Why are people still buying tickets to see this fool?
He’s an ass. And it’s terrifying that people actually watch this shit and think he has good advice. He’s just a blowhard.
I disagree with you, but starred because I laughed.
It’s always been cool to boycott that sleazebag, therefore you have always been cool. And? Bless you. The more “asshole phil” debunkers in the world, the better.
Right? He’s not Frank Sinatra’s son. Unfortunately.
rumpy’s amurikkka watches old cornholio phil. He’s as disgusting and exploitative as they come. Thanks Oprah!
Yeah. Depression too has a very significant effect.
Unless you took an iq test before to compare it to; unless you have a significant brain change that can be shown by an MRI (and MRI’s aren’t the last word either)—there is no way to “prove” what you’re saying. But I have these same deficits from brain changes due to MS. If you think there is significant change, then…
You said,
“ at least she’s.articulate, and educated.” So what? She’s insane. Anyone who disperses hateful rhetoric aimed at jews, asian, and middle eastern people is insane. Her eloquence and her “education” stand on exactly nothing but a pile of steaming shit.
Don’t be a baby. People say shit. We respond. We all learn. Well. I hope that last part’s true. Don’t leave already. You just got here.
Could you just please shut up? Please?
Oh for christ’s sake. All of you school hall monitors should shut the fuck up now. It’s a fucking mob at this point.
Because it’s a heavily roman catholic country. Thanks jeebus!
So she’s an eloquent nazi? Shut up.
Ms Merlan: Well done. This is the level of scrutiny that this clown car deserves. FUCK Kelly Ann Conway, FUCK Nikki Haley, FUCK every democrat and republican of good conscience who doesn’t stand UTTERLY against this debacle. Create a roll call of all those vigorously fighting this piece of shit and his minions.
The religious far right is nuts. All of them. Crazy eyed nuts. And truly evil and disgusting people.