
I hope John Ennis is in it

Has anything good come out of twitter yet or is it still just an advertising/self-promotion platform?

Why is this the issue people have with him and not the fact that he's a terrible comedian? His standup act is like an off broadway one man show.

I think the mythology worked well enough until they tried to shoehorn Umbrella back into it with Ada, although a new character would be a little more believable than Leon winding up in a situation where he is fighting people infected with a new pathogen.

RE4 is amazing. Nothing like coming home stoned late Saturday night, turning out all the lights in the basement, and developing a panic disorder about spider parasites hiding offscreen. I swear it felt like they escaped into the room with me if I let one crawl out of a guy's head and get away. And while storming

It's actually common practice for firms to give preference in hiring to clerks and paralegals who obtain JDs and pass the bar in-house over even highly credentialed applicants because there is less uncertainty about how well they will perform on the job, and because these types of employees already know a great deal

I think you're right except for Chuck's motives. He's a foil to Jimmy, or the epitome of a by-the-book lawyer. As far as he's concerned, he thinks Hamlin is looking out for him, and he has no reason to make a point not to utilize his firm's resources or guard himself against his partners therein. Anyone can do

Even if you're being lowballed, countering with 20000% of the original offer is a clear statement that you aren't interested in mediation.

In asking for 20 million, they weren't looking for a settlement. It's pretty clear that Chuck wants to bring the case to trial because he's rediscovering a sense of purpose in working on it with Jimmy. Whether or not the case is winnable remains to be seen, but if he wanted to settle he would have asked for a more

I'm not suggesting the threats people received aren't a big deal, I'm saying that the environment encouraging and allowing these threats to occur was deliberately cultivated by provocateurs who saw it as an opportunity for financial gain and increased visibility. SJW and GG were boogeymen from the start; they don't

I got all the way up to Blighttown in Dark Souls, probably 25-30 hours total, before the game glitched out and my file was corrupted. A couple days later I decided to start again, but it turned out that the disc had an issue, and I found this out when the same thing happened upon reaching the area again.

I think the problem with the whole situation is a tendency for supporters of both "sides" to make generalizations over the other, usually by making the loudest, most ridiculous voices the de facto spokespeople for a culture war that doesn't really exist.

I'm sure they could have got netflix to fund it. Why are they begging their fans for money instead?

Is it still considered a spinoff if its one of the leads?

Too bad the sailing took forever

So you lost respect for someone because they didn't embody a personal belief system you projected onto them, despite their significant advancement of a cause you strongly support?

I just imagine how offended the Daily Show audience would get at his gay pride routine. He's probably not a good choice.

This article is unprofessional. If you're going to criticize a filmmaker's ethos, maybe you should present an argument instead of flippantly describing one of his scenes with vaguely defined adjectives like "gross", "icky", and "feeling off". The closest you came to building your case was referencing the "Great