
Some game stores have bars IN them.

The good ones at least.

Even better than those are Card Kingdom’s Battle Decks, they’re not really for tournament play, but they’re well balanced against each other and are tons of fun to just blind shuffle and play.

Wait.. teams? It’s not Deathmatch? Is there at least a DM option or is it entirely a team game?

A bunch of frogs as characters and the tag-line ‘Let’s make rhythym-action great again’ at the end of the video...

Modern conforms to the rule that states: Any format that is not Standard is better than Standard.

Not pictured: Hanzo on the goddamn payload.

Nando is a very efficient driver, he’s quite adept at hitting two birds with one stone.

Jeskai and the Pussycats was a much better name.

They don’t actually classify it as an Emergency Ban, they said it is an “addendum” to Monday’s Banned and Restricted list update in order to save face.

But it totally is an emergency ban and was very much needed.

No, my SKA RULZ and FRT NOIZ plates are great.

HipsterDBags was the name I chose, it makes me giggle every time.