Because a barrier would get in the way of the ICBM carriers they parade every May 1st.......
Because a barrier would get in the way of the ICBM carriers they parade every May 1st.......
there are holes involved. i love their swiss cheese.
Alternative: when that VTEC kicks in, yo, I'm gonna Jazz her Fit, Accordingly.
Electric car for the mundane. Motorcycle for fun. Problem solved.
Yeah, all round likeable guy. I find the visual vibes videos quite enjoyable once I switch off the cynical side of my brain. Especially the India one, that one’s actually quite exiting to watch. Whereas the Land Rover one, if you want to be cruel, feels like your run of the mill lifestyle brand ad (like coca cola or…
Or a more reasonable reaction:
The autonomous car following the semi slows down as they both approach the intersection, opening up a gap and allowing the car to see traffic lights. If it still doesn’t see any traffic lights, then it will come to a gradual stop before the intersection.
Okay so this one time, I convinced my friend to let us take his dads 250 California out for the day in Chicago and...well...lets just say it was one interesting day off.
LOL........ trust me I know. I have family in southern Ohio and during the late summer you would think you were in Dubai! Feels like the sun is napping on your neck.
A blimp with the second saying should be a “rigid airship,” not a blimp.
Please tell me you’ve seen the Archer episode “Skytanic”?
I sincerely hope nobody’s started a Genesis Coupe owners club called the “Korean Korvette Klub”.
I have a very good friend that relocated to Phoenix. I visited her. Trust me I experienced the heat. My flight out was delayed because the plane tires were sticking to the tarmac!
Yeah, I do just see this as a very clever cruise control, and I’d treat it like one too if I owned a Tesla. Like with my regular cruise control, I always have my finger near the off button and my feet somewhere where I can get to the pedals as quickly as possible. I can’t believe people are putting their life into…
That is insanity! I do not know how anyone can deal with that. When I pre-heat my oven at home it reads 145.... that is just nuts!
It’s like that useless square option on my iPhone to take a square picture. I’m sure it’s useful to someone, but I can’t think of any purpose it serves other than to piss me off when I accidentally scroll to it.
Conference call person: “Jenkins from accounting was killed by a bear. Can you take the lead on flowers for the funeral, maybe get some donations from the office for his widow?”
Sir, may I suggest that if you’d been issued a mustache as spectacular as Roar Strand’s, these mechanical failures might not have occurred?