
> 6 foot tall dark skinned person with five’o’clock shadow, hairy arms,

Sadly, I agree with this because this looks like the type of transgender that lust for drama. Where they want to identify as a woman but go out of their way to look like a man. Now I know woman can come in many different varieties and interest but in all honesty there is not one thing about her that makes me think

The Black Panthers didn’t wear hats that said Black Panther.

if they were actually told the shirt made them uncomfortable or to take the hat be pissed too. F you. Its america i can where what i want.

Ah yes, the manufactured outrage of black people. They’re always looking to make trouble where none existed.

Why wait? Corporations have been jumping to conclusions and throwing individuals under the bus for decades without consequence. Its only fair that we do the same to them.

And, in some cases, the movie posters are better and more iconic than the actual movies.


Yes! Thank God someone is finally bringing this to the masses. I absolutely LOVE stylized movie posters and am so bummed that, for the most part, they’ve disappeared from the cinema. Which I totally don’t understand. They sell the movie so much better than some stupid giant faces.

Believe it or not, China’s emissions are considered quite close to peaking already. Of course, we should take official state reporting with a grain of salt, but I still think there’s reason to be very optimistic about that goal.

Lol what? She lost her career?? That analysis isn’t based on any sort of fact just feeling, just like Nikki’s double standard above (plenty praised her for her anaconda, plenty criticized Kardashian).

Has he been donating money to charity? Uh, yes he has. All of the proceeds he’s gotten from jersey sales (which went through the roof in the wake of his actions) have been donated to charity. He’s making nothing off of this.

He has donated. And the info was a google away. Get informed before judging him...

The fact that you ask this question says a lot. It wouldn’t take much to find out that Kap has been super active.

You’re confused about black people not wanting to be targeted by cops and an end to harassment and abuse by State officials? And $1 million is a lot of money even to someone like Kaepernick.

You mean besides the money he’s donating and the continued protest? I’m confused what your argument is. That because he hasn’t been protesting for years beforehand his argument is...wrong?

And the movement has made considerable gains on issues like mandating cameras, allowing public dissemination of police actions, and even forced more indictments, if not convictions of police who engage in illegal conduct.

Jesus Christ, people are being ridiculous here - yes, when mainstream, beloved public figures take principled stands, it increases the reach of a movement, and provokes more discussion. Kaepernick’s protest has been wildly successful.

He’s actually done a lot of charity work, you should do a bit more research