
My SIL had an eating disorder as a teen. The entire time I’ve known her she’s shown signs of disordered eating (absurd diets). She totally pushes it on her kids, told me that she told her college age daughter to give up gluten, sugar and dairy after she gained the freshmen fifteen. Now she’s loaded and has a personal

Yes and no.

I don’t disagree that jail time will be harmful to her but she absolutely should not have unsupervised custody of those children until she has a clean bill of mental health. The fact that her son might have permanent brain damage due to his malnourishment is heart breaking.

No. Listen, if this was a guy people would be calling for lengthy prison time, and rightfully so. Same thing for her. Unless she was delusional she knew children under 1 are not supposed to live on just fruit and nuts.

So both Barry and Ollie reverted...

I cut this show a lot of slack - but rehashing the kill/not kill thing a-freakin-gain might be my breaking point.

Re: ‘Kid’ Flash - exactly! Was hoping he would be a better the Flash or have better speed tricks or knowledge of the fell extent of this powers...but then again that would most likely make Barry feel he wasn’t good enough and we’d get even more stupidity.

I’m really on the fence about watching any of the CW shows, and I think figured out why:

I have to admit I was nervous going into last night’s ep, wondering if I’d make it through the episode without the urge to walk away and start surfing the net.


I would like video or even audio of this. My dislike of Trump is pretty well documented here, but this could, maybe, possibly actually be an instance where statements were taken out of context. *ducks for cover*

If the charity was always doing something wrong and they never got investigated or reprimanded for 20+ years of doing the same thing, that speaks volumes.

The illegal activity of the charity has nothing to do with him running for office. What they did is illegal no matter what.

So, I’ve never read Ferrante. But this brings up some interesting conversations re: “literary truth”. We expect to know all about the life of an author in part bc we want to know if they are “qualified” to tell a certain story.

eh... if you want anyone to ever get into an anonymous car.. it would have to prioritize saving its occupants over anything else...


Gtfo with that anti-Semitic bs. You literally have zero clue what you’re talking about. Support of Palestinian rights isn’t anti-Semitic. It’s disgusting to even suggest it.

May you erect a giant ten commandments statue in your yard and may cool-cat Jesus show up to you and you kneel in wonder next to the statue, and then may Jesus topple it over, crushing you to death and speeding your descent to Hell.

Good God, man. I love this blog, and I thought Charlie's review was very fair and even-handed, and I look forward to people's discussion in the comments. But frankly, I'm just so sick of you. We get it, you didn't like it. You have been promising us for months you wouldn't like it, and lo and behold you don't. That's