And you fucking Obama apologists are like “egad not a journalist, the Obama-Saud genocide should only be targeting children, men, women, grocers, medics, teachers, and 100,000 starving kids, cholera epidemic....”
And you fucking Obama apologists are like “egad not a journalist, the Obama-Saud genocide should only be targeting children, men, women, grocers, medics, teachers, and 100,000 starving kids, cholera epidemic....”
I don’t know, amoral/ignorant/idiot, or some combination.
And everyone else is running the Obama-Trump defense of why they’re only now objecting--they think 100+ children blown into pieces by Saudi Bombs by Saudi planes getting essential refueling and intel and tech support by the US is not anything to be upset about. One journalist though.
“the usurper in the White House”
Did you mean conspiracy fact? You don’t “remember” much, do you? Or are simply too ignorant to have ever been aware. Or too incurious and comfortable to ever do your own fucking research. And yet you feel you have the right to opine. Pathetic.
“Is she, though?”
What??? Warren doing this is objectively ludicrous and nonsensical. Your take is that Krueger forced Warren to do this objectively ludicrous and nonsensical thing?
Why didn’t all the Democrats vote Yes, if voting No made no difference?
These people think things such as “the US shouldn’t commit Genocide upon the Yemeni people” are a “purity test” that’s too radical a demand to make upon a candidate.
Ugh Hillary is a bigger reason.
The least bad choice was Bernie Sanders; then Jill Stein. These god damned centrist Hillaryesque Democrats and their entire corrupt organization fucked us. Just like Obama fucked us. You can shut up and fuck off. Whipped dog begging for scraps from master.
He hasn’t started any more wars or done more coups. Obama did three overt wars and several coups.
What in the fuck am I talking to? I thought it was one person but maybe I hit “reply” to the wrong one or something. Sorry if so, the other one.
Then why are you shitting on people who decline to vote Dem or GOP? Either you’re confused or I am.
How do you as a black man feel about what Obama did for black people? And about what he’s doing to Chicago currently with his Ego Palace? You think this shit started two years ago?
Fuck Pelosi! Bashable people should be properly bashed, not coddled. Partisan hack! Somewhere your evil twin is whining about the website he visits bashing Brett Kavanaugh, or Ted Cruz, or Trent Lott! You’re a joke!
Just how many voters do you think have read or will read this blog article? Get a grip and look out the window at the real world once in a while. Do you see all the normal humans who have no idea what a gizmodo is? Who don’t even give a tiny tin shit about Russia?
Tell me, and be honest—if the GOP and Dem candidates were Pol Pot and Josef Stalin, and the Green was Martin Luther King Jr., who would you vote for?
You stop voting for either of them, dumbass. Otherwise you’re one of their relied-upon auto-voters no matter how shitty they are. Simple Minds isn’t just a rock group, sucker!
How many women must bleed to be heard? How many times?