Well, it would’ve been nice if Barack had heeded Michelle’s advice as much as Okoumou. He was utterly terrible on immigration. Both the treatment of immigrants and adding to the cause.
Well, it would’ve been nice if Barack had heeded Michelle’s advice as much as Okoumou. He was utterly terrible on immigration. Both the treatment of immigrants and adding to the cause.
Ah, so the use of a geographically incorrect generic picture instead of a geographically correct generic picture somehow diminishes the article or renders it “poor” journalism?
“any person willing to put their life on the line for this nation” [’s capitalist interests]
Same for Wall Street boards and lawyers, ex-officials going to them or back to them. Eric Holder is a good example. I think anyone in Congress or at a certain position in an administration should be banned from lobbying, or taking any position with a financial institution. It’s really quite ridiculous.
“Sure, in a general sense, I’d like him to take a fucking hike.
What are the politics of Pong?
I bet your paycheque too that this “waitress” “source” is a direct relation of Ahmed Chalabi and Maryam Rajavi.
Totally awesome idea. Also may want to CC Schumer. Who doesn’t give a shit about women. Isn’t making a big and clear fuss about this. And who’s fellow Democrat Senators have actually been NECESSARY votes for several of Trump’s terrible GOP bills to pass.
Good god, are you people so stupid to believe the US since WWII has been anything other (globally, to 95% of the rest of the human population) than a disgusting capitalist hegemon, preferring orderly compliant fascists to nationalistic democratic leaders? 1000 military bases, 80+ interferences including dozens of…
Um what? Jesus christ. What the fuck!
“All three of those agencies effectively have been eliminated in under a year.
“not sure”? To be consistent you’ll have to do this to almost every member of Congress and the last five or so administrations, including Obama. Pruitt’s crimes pale in comparison to war criminals. Get some perspective.
Your father is as as wrong as you are. Tell him that he did a poor job raising his child, due to his own lack of sense, where he jumps around as a “southern” whatever that means. But I expect your man pussy cajoled him into changing his opinion (the first of which was correct).
100% overselling the whole ordeal is also card-worthy.
While we’re (justifiably) shitting on SDOTS, I have to ask: Why has no one brought up the absence of Daniel Kaluuya?
Isn’t this the movie where CIA and things murder innocents in order to do even more bullshit? And I mean the first one, and yet there’s a sequel? Of this...I mean, sure any movie and acting is good no matter ideology. But the previews seem USA USA a bit. And maybe I’m biased but I just saw the first (well, saw that it…
The refs DO call out the hackers by calling a penalty, and often giving cards. When’s the last time Neymar was given a penalty for histrionics, much less a card? One day his brain is going to snap and he’s going to writhe right out of the stadium, in the worst pain anyone has ever experienced, after two atoms of a…
You’re quite naive and ignorant.
“He did well in the primary, which again tends to swing for extremes”
Most of the marchers aren’t progressives, and don’t really care about immigrant babies. If they were they’d have marched during Obama as well. And they’d certainly be marching against US complicity in Yemen, etc. They’re partisan poseurs.