
And again, this is actually happening, not a slippery slope or I guess a “cliche” since that poster keeps using that word as if it aids his/her case....

I can’t take anyone seriously who uses the term “thoughtcrime”, even ironically.”

We’ve never even bothered to do a cost-benefit analysis, we just worship the concept and valorize it as symbolically American.”

“I’m saying I think that harm might be too much, and we should address it honestly and weigh it. I’m saying our entire narrative is based on willfully ignoring a significant portion of the data. I’m not convinced making sure neo-Nazis have a legal right to provoke minorities is actually a net benefit to the country,

Well one point that you seem to be blind to is that your contention makes people who voted for Obama responsible for his horrible immigration practices. It’s really weird how you think voting for Dems is really important when both parties eagerly fuck over immigrants.

People here are twisting in pretzels apologizing for Obama and he isn’t even in office. It’s pathetic. And obviously means that if Clinton were in charge and doing the exact same things as Trump (which she might re: immigration) these people would be apologizing for her too.

Obama voted for a 700 mile border wall. Try not being ignorant.

Bull. Obama owns his terrible immigration policy. Stop making excuses.

“America in 2018 is obviously not Nazi Germany, but one can be forgiven for seeing far too many echoes when it comes to our current child detention and family separation crisis. I am thinking especially of three things.”

So when it’s Trump and Sessions doing terrible stuff, it’s both of their fault. When it’s Obama and Holder doing terrible stuff, it was....Holder’s fault? Somehow the GOP Congress’ fault? Individual ICE agents’ fault?

“In retrospect, I should be somewhat fair. It was FDR that ordered the internment of the Japanese. But this one is 100% on the Republicans.”

What the fuck. Ask Obama, Bush, Clinton, Reagan, and all other past presidents who have treated immigrants like shit why they did so. This isn’t new. History didn’t start on Jan. 20, 2017 despite what some idiots/ignorants here seem to think.

Here’s a simple google for you...

I mean, if you realize this why do you suggest voting as a solution? Obama was also horrible towards immigrants, just terrible. Hillary also almost certainly would have been. Put up a candidate who won’t be before imploring people to vote.

“*Please forgive my diatribe, I just cannot believe this is happening in my country, a flawed but purportedly civilized country.”

“Obviously he doesn’t give a rat’s ass about these children...”

The democrats, including Obama and Clinton, voted for a 700-mile border wall during the Bush administration.


It’s true. But the risk is the GOP then pointing out that Obama was almost equally as terrible as Trump on immigration. There’s a danger that ignorant johnny-come-latelies such as yourself might start to suspect that both parties are terrible, and plenty of the Democrats in current races also shitted on and ignored