When reached for comment Brian Kemp confirmed he has opened an investigation into the Democratic Party of Georgia to get to the bottom of this.
When reached for comment Brian Kemp confirmed he has opened an investigation into the Democratic Party of Georgia to get to the bottom of this.
Around here, we operate under the assumption that at least 2 cars will run a light after it turns.
And this is why you don’t launch from every green light like you live your life a quarter mile at a time (especially if you don’t have a clear view of crossing traffic). It doesn’t matter if you’re in Russia or Houston, TX. You will eventually get t-boned by a red light runner.
that girl is 1 braid away from a cult
“The Curious Case of Benjamin Buttfuck”
Has anyone called that gun-toting girl with the long hair “Repubzel” yet? If not, let it be known that I came up with that.
If Bennett and Wohl had a kid, it would come out as current Rudy Giuliani.
How am I supposed to befriend Jacob Wohl? His own eyes look like they don’t get along and decided they needed some space.
Like...how fucking dumb do you have to be when James O’Keefe is better at his inept fuckery than you?
Yeah, I want to low-key call bullshit on the headline, because that wasn’t what happened. “Black Navy Sailor Shot and Killed By Man Attempting to Steal Car” would be accurate, and is still tragic, even though Attempted Thief doesn’t appear to have been acting out of racism, which is what I assumed had happened when I…
I don’t think the interior looks premium at all. The new Civics look nicer inside.
I wonder if the big badge is to hide the sensors for the adaptive cruise control. If you look at it that way, it’s better to have the big cartoonish badge than to have the noticeable piece of black plastic that usually denotes the sensors.
Right after he buys the car
Fire him
Or, you know, it might have something to do w/wages being stuck in the 70s for all but the top 5-10% and financial insecurity being a daily fact of life for pretty much everyone else. But sure, you go ahead and moralize yourself to feeling superior to everyone. Im proud of you.
Well, when you consider what homes and even rent costs anywhere close to civilization (Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, etc.), the only way one can also manage a car payment on anything other than a sub $20k car and expect to actually eat with regularity, is to stretch out and lower the payments as much as possible.
Just some passionate, patriotic individuals. People who love their nation. Nationalists, I believe they’re called.
GOP: Let’s immediately begin an investigation into Hillary Clinton sending a bomb to herself!
Clearly there are very fine people on both sides
My SO asked me what I thought about her tats once. Once. “At least they’re small” isn’t a great answer I guess.