Have you ever tried to contact Twitter? It’s basically impossible. It’s clear it uses an algorithm to “catch” swear words and ban accounts. Yea, it’s stupid, but it is what it is.
Have you ever tried to contact Twitter? It’s basically impossible. It’s clear it uses an algorithm to “catch” swear words and ban accounts. Yea, it’s stupid, but it is what it is.
13-term Republican incumbent Del. Robert G. Marshall.
“I guess he’s thinking the bus driver might think it’s somehow a smart move to have the screaming, belligerent man clinging to the front of the bus gremlin-like actually inside the bus full of middle school kids.”
It is bizarre to me that some people think “high wages” lead to automation. If they can design a robot to do a human job, it will always be cheaper, and business owners will always choose the robot, because it makes them more money, which is the whole point of the business.
Christ, the mental hoops people are jumping through. The IOC should look into adding it as an event for the next Summer Olympics.
Every fucking day. They stole a SCOTUS seat. That shit makes me insanely angry, to the point where I’ve cut every single trump supporter out of my life lest I go feral on them.
So, seriously, I know we’re 10 months in but how often do the rest of you have one of those “Oh right, Donald Fucking Trump is the President of the United States” moments? It happens to me less often now but still, you know, once or twice a week. The guy they used to make fun of in Bloom County, the guy Ali G screwed…
Every death is a horror, but if you look at a real catastrophe like Katrina, and you look at the tremendous—hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of people that died, and you look at what happened here, with really a storm that was just totally overpowering, nobody’s ever seen anything like this. What is your death count…
Hey, “Slippery Slope” is a real thing! It’s the reason that, when Big Government set the first speed limits on US highways, it was just a matter of time before they came for our cars. And sure enough, now only crooks own their own cars.
Cars serve a primary function besides death/injury. Guns...not so much.
Cars are not manufactured and/or designed to kill or hurt people. Guns in the other hand...
How much money is the NRA giving you to spew their talking points?
If they aren’t you’re a whore not a prostitute, at least a real pro gets paid to do what others do for free.
The Democrats dont just want gun control... I pay attention to the news and have learned that they want to take away all the guns! Obama, Hillary, all of ‘em. Theyre com’n fer yer guns! Soon little Johnny will be defenseless against the school bears, and it will be all the democrats fault!
The point of the original statement from gun lovers is that these people would commit these acts whether they had a gun or not but that’s clearly nonsense. Of course, people kill people but there wouldn’t be this mass killing if we made guns harder to get. No one needs a machine gun or automatic rifle and no one needs…
White men should be banned from buying guns. They don’t bring their best. They bring rapists, murderers but I assume some are good people. This is just until we know what’s going on! *screaming into the void*
You might have misunderstood me. I said “too narrow,” which is not the same thing as saying that it *is* narrow, only that it could be broader and more inclusive. But ostensibly, the purpose of this deduction is to help American families mitigate some of the impact of their living expenses, and those are not exclusive…
Cool. The poor and the middle class at each other’s throats. And the rich just sit back and laugh and laugh and laugh. Way to help the cause!
It’s actually worse, because families lose dependent deductions. After your first kid, a married couple comes out behind.