
I think if any Republican man were having a gay affair with a younger man and there were photos of it, they’d be in exactly the same boat. Note that I am as liberal as it gets and her husband is a shitbag, but she made numerous poor decisions which probably preclude her from being in Congress.

Aja may well be the best album EVER.

Any list that doesn’t have Zeppelin at the top is simply wrong. AND, Van Halen isn’t classic rock.

He hasn’t been married to Christy Brinkley for quite some time. Also, he does have embarrassing late-career garbage.

Good article. We have a local bike shop called “Bicycle Face”. My only peeve is with the illustrator - could they not have looked at a bicycle before they drew one?

Not that I disagree, but the point of football is not to knock someone tf out.

You forgot the Golf R.

You cannot be “independent” if someone else is setting your rates. That would be a franchise.

How is Electric not a rock album? What other category could it possibly fall into?

College for me.  That album is classic.

Yeah, because you assholes have to get “revenge”.

Being up high is comfortable.

I’ll tell you what I would’ve done. Laid out the biggest international aid package in history so that the goodwill we had with the world would’ve been multiplied x 1000 and the terrorists would have no country willing to harbor them.

We lose 40,000 people EVERY year to cars. That’s 3,333 a month. So, that’s an additional month of traffic deaths we shredded the Constitution over and went to war for 18 years? Seems logical.

Musk is a tech guy, not a car guy. 

Wow, and I thought the “eyebrows and asses” phase of Bangle was bad.

Never let the good get in the way of the perfect.

It scared the shit out of and entertained my high-school daughter and her friends, so, mission accomplished.

So if I’m 5 feet from the intersection going 60mph and the light turns yellow, I should slam on the brakes to stop? That will get me rear-ended (and rightfully so) extremely quickly.

Not really the same - but I’m talking about jazz instrumentalists.