
Health code violations relate directly to the quality of the food / restaurant. Domestic violence does not. At some point you have to separate the person from the work or there won’t be anyone left to do anything. Would you rather get life-or-death heart surgery from a great surgeon who’s a bad person or an

So now I have to know the personal history of the cook before deciding whether or not the food is good?  Does that apply to Yelp reviews or only if I happen to be a food critic, or just a customer in general?

Even though he cited multiple examples of exactly that thing happening?

“It was us that scorched the sky.”

I felt the same way, as I refuse to use Bluetooth ‘phones (yet). However, I found the increased battery life of my 8 to be so much better than my 6 that using the dongle hasn’t been an issue. I also think the sound is better through the lightning port - I use AudioTechnica M-50x over-the-ear cans.

I don’t typically think about supercars or hypercars since I will never experience one. But no, I wouldn’t call M5's or CTS-V’s enthusiast cars. Big-ass heavy sedans (4300 lbs!) with autoboxes?  Tons of power alone does not make an enthusiast car.

The Halo isn’t a roll bar. It’s for cockpit intrusion.

I’d venture there are a lot more serious injuries in ball sports, especially (American) football. Shumacher got turned into a vegetable skiing for Chrissakes.

You know the ages of some of the F1 drivers, right?

That’s an interesting video - it makes the speed differential look a lot less severe.

Yeah, he might actually have to take care of them.

This is going to show that I know way too much about this, but those Burger King and Pizza Hut deals are available all the time.

No stick, no care.

Your 3rd? I only had two, but they were a MK1 and a MK2 16v. You know, the good ones.

Yeah, passing someone with a 60+ MPH speed differential is SO safe.

You think that heat shield isn’t still hot as hell?  Derp.

Yeah, because a cop doing 145 and passing on the shoulder at 130 isn’t exponentially more dangerous.

Subarus are overpriced.

I watched it on ESPN last week, sounds like a local market problem.

While everything has become, what 10X more expensive?