
I have the best shot ever from New Zealand. I learned the dangers of filming rally cars the hard way, and as Alex Kelsey in his MC2 came by at about 100 mph sideways, I was filiming slow-mo from my iphone, standing on a 3 foot burm. a softball-sized rock shot up off his rear tire and hit me directly in the left nut at

Now playing

Häkkinen vs. Schumacher in Spa 2000. Arguably the best pass in F1 ever.

That's actually not a gun, it's a telescopic dashcam.

Yeah but he's got an FJ Cruiser so

The Top Gear USA haters were right. Upon contact with Tanner Foust, Top Gear died. RIP in Peace Top Gear :(

Men are terrible. I'm glad I'm a guy, because if I was a woman I'd never ever date. Ever. It blows my mind that any woman would want anything to do with us.


Torch...class act move to show appreciation...I am glad your Beetle was returned (and read of saga originally intently)...and am glad that you are doing a solid for SF.

chick on the right is definitely not a Pats fan, nothing deflated about those... AMIRITE?

Last weekend's episode was certainly the best, and most entertaining, episode in at least three seasons.

I'd rather be covered in sand and stuck in Dubai traffic in a 918 than live in my apartment.

"Never thought I'd miss that Q50, but here we are"

The GT-R driver's outfit matches the tastelessness of the GT-R.

7.) Brawn BGP 001

What was VW on in the '90s?

I kept reading polish week as Polish week, in which case I imagine the prep is less manicure and more:

You sick, sick bastard. I'm a sucker for old, driftable ritzy cars that don't depreciate anymore and now it will burn like a pain in my balls if I don't buy this one.

Judging by the serial number stamped across the top strap of the frame, it looks to be the GIGN version of the MR-73.

I really want to know who buys these things.