With labor lawyers, HR departments, and labor relations boards, the axiom applies: Good employees don’t need a union.
Interesting that the article drips of racism, modern Democrat racism. Looking at the big picture: Democrats in the South revolted against the United States (called “the Union” by the Klan historians) to keep Blacks in the bondage of slavery ‘working for the man’. Now, in 2017, the Democrat-backed UAW is back to get…
So, let’s say these workers unionized and a strike got them that 7% raise...only to have that raise go to union dues. The UAW executives richer on the backs of the working man and woman. The UAW will lie and cheat to enrich themselves until destroying the company and putting the workers to the unemployment line. Yeah,…
Man made “Climate Change” is a Democrat lie to entrench them in power and reduce America to a Socialist Third World pisshole...er...paradise. LIVE FREE!
The military exists to protect the United States of America by killing the enemy and destroying their means to resist. Anything else is a distraction. Transgendered troops help in this mission how? Openly gay troops help this mission how? They don’t...they are there to make Liberals feel good and to weaken the…
Boys! Boys! Let’s calm down. It was the efforts of many countries that led to the defeat of NAZI Germany ... Man, what a bunch of bad asses the Germans were that it would take so many allies to finally defeat them.
Fixing them was a different story! The S-3B...technology that was new when Nixon was President, when America put men on the Moon. By the early 1990s, many S-3 airframe and powerplant systems and components were not updated since the types first deployment with VS-21 on the USS John F. Kennedy (CV-67) in what, 1974? As…
Dude, those B-25B’s didn’t have tailhooks.
The McDonnell-Douglas F/A-18 Hornet was a development of the Northrop F-17, the aircraft that lost to the General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon in the US Air Force Light Weight Fighter Program. So, the design started as a small, maneuverable air superiority fighter. Then factor in a heavier airframe for carrier…
I was with VS-21 1991-1994, then VS-41 1994-1997. Good times! If you have a VS-21 patch will a red tail hawk on it, I designed that bird. :)
Yes...and no. You are right in that a couple of modern aircraft with smart bombs can do the job of an entire squadron in the 1960s. That is, if the mission was to attack a specific target, like a bridge. Off of Kosovo in 1999, a flight of four F/A-18Cs were carrying a single fuselage drop tank and a single…
Actually, the S-3 could not carry an F/A-18 F-404 engine, either internally or externally in a blivet. Maybe a F-404 engine module could fit in a cargo blivet, but it would be too big to fit through the entrance door...
Back in 1993, an article in USNI Proceedings magazine proposed a KS-3B Viking tanker conversion that would have doubled the amount of fuel the plane could transfer at the cost of permanently removing all of the ASW, ESM, and AGM-84 Harpoon ASM mission equipment. The conversion would have preserved the types…
Disarm to prove you are serious about disarming...yeah, that will keep us safe. Written like a Liberal. Having a Liberal write a column on defense or military affairs is like ... Well, a waste of time.
We could nationalize the NFL. Under federal control, the NFL would never turn a profit again. Congress could mandate new hiring rules to expand participation for women and the LBGTXYZ community. New rules could have every team insured under Obamacare, unless the team owners declare that the players are all part-time…
Stupid is, as stupid does...