
@theose is nominal: Yeah. But what would be the world without their Facebook profile.

@Gonzie: Your wish has been granted with pleasure.

I vouch: a nude picture of him for the Time cover.

@PoopShovel: Save for NAV purposes, I still think that having a properly-conceived control system (that is, with proper tactile feedback) is a much better choice in order to drive safely.

@joule79: Dude, BT only allows for audio streaming. Car integration needs more than that - it needs at least safe operation (no device hanging around loose) and tactile feedback on controls (for keeping your eyes on the road when up / down / next and such). This head unit seems like an interesting addition as long as

Be you a regular peasant or Mr. Jobs Himself, I defy YOU to challenge my

@esp13: Well I laughed to that one too :)

@dklockshine: The video totally needs promotion so as people can see da contraption (thanks).

Tapeworms sprouting out my ears - anyday, anywhere!

Quick! Someone send her a sofa!

God Damn. And to think that at some point in the recent past I've had the heats to try to go for a position at RIM.

Now playing

The idea has already been captured by the innocent video-game community.

Winner or not, I, for one, dropped Chrome a while ago.

@Sheccid: Not pushing for animated gifs here, but that one is cracking me up.

@AgentRockstar: Just mind out-of-the-US people here. Unless you have a good solution for that :)

@Tj Fadness: Thanks - go figure, you can find 90 minutes of it in your videoclub / torrent of choice. :)

Now playing

Sorry for those to whom this is a repeat!

@Eric Walker: Well then, by the time the white shave comes out, I'll be looking better than Confucius...