The system is more or less fine, it’s the people who are the problem.
The system is more or less fine, it’s the people who are the problem.
Lock them all up.
It’s like being born on third base doesn’t make you run faster.
Yup. If those inclined to contribute can afford it, it’s good news. If they can’t, it’s fantastic! Imagine if there were actual consequences to toxic, sociopathic beliefs.
Except it’s a US tank with the star insignia?
Avenatti would still be a fine president, maybe even a great one. There is no longer any bar high enough to rule him, or anyone else, out.
You can pick any bar from any fictional universe and you pick the oe with just as many nazis as we have right now?
Your post must be some kind of an Omen!
That’s a solid pop culture reference. Take your star.
Authorities just released a photo of the two guys William H. Macy met with to start this process:
Don’t forget, she’s on to bigger and better things; being a conduit for Chinese intelligence to meet and great Trump, his family and members of the administration.
It would be really funny if it turned out you were making this all up.
Whoever wins the nom should hammer Trump on this and his Jeffrey Epstein friendship.
She is a liar. She has perjured herself in front of Congress and the American people, the people she swore to defend and who employ her.
“Hey Ben. You’re black. You must know about the urban life and public housing. How about I make you HUD Secretary?”
Let us know what price you end up paying for being an asshole.
Mesmerized by all the money - the idea that working for a rich player like Trump will enrich him as well. Ten years later, it turns out that he couldn’t have been more wrong. Cohen is clearly sharp (more than some of congress people) and clearly he thought he could play the game well enough to stay ahead of the risk…
Yeah. Shame about the country though.
At this point, I want concrete evidence/information of crimes we don’t know about, yet. Anything less than that is pretty fucking worthless.