So tell us Alison, how did you really feel about it?
So tell us Alison, how did you really feel about it?
On the contrary, I couldn’t think of a better Seinfeld ending.
Ruth probably went to her grave believing that Wendy had sold her out, even though she didn’t. I find that kinda sad.
I don’t hold it against the entire GoT series that the ending was bad. There were far more good episodes than bad. And there are far more popular series that had a bad ending than a good one. So GoT is just alright with me.
Well! I guess that settles that :)
So I guess scientology is still polarizing, then?
My biggest question is, How much of a threat is Javier to Charlotte? Because there is definitely a menacing, creepy vibe there and it could be exploited by a sadistic writer.
Melania, is that you???
I get the sense that Nacho isn’t as smart as people are making him out to be. Hiding in the only hiding place for miles around, really? And did he seriously think that his father would be protected among all these backstabbers? He must have - it’s the only reason I can think of why he didn’t take out Hector and the…
I generally avoid drinking water; fish fuck in it.
It’s quite the panundrum.
I loved him in Office Space and also in O Brother, Where Art Thou? But what’s an O Brother prop?
I predict that closeted neo-nazis will be spankin’ it to this movie for generations to come.
looks like Johnny is getting himself ready to play Ron Jeremy.
Those Kettlemans were just pitch perfect, and I liked the decorative touches connection from their tacky trailer office to Saul’s strip mall office. But their outraged sense of white privilege was too spot-on, it was almost infuriating to watch.
Fancy steakhouses are NOT overrated, they are merely not suited for celebrations. I don’t want five pounds of meat and heavyweight sides, etc. in me if I have celebrating to do. But if I want the feast to be the centerpiece of the evening, then a nice steakhouse is just the ticket.