
What a good cat, holy crap. I hope the mayor gives it the key to the city.

I could listen to that guy talk for hours.

Don't sleep on the fact that he was the guy that brought down SMU, the biggest deal college program in the very city where he works. It was a huge hairy deal in Texas, and I'm sure he got a ton of heat, as well as a Peabody, for it. And anyone that can stick it to Craig James like is aces as far as I'm concerned.

I looked up this guy. I'm from Houston, assumed he was maybe from West Texas- Lubbock or even Panhandle Amarillo. He's from Iowa. But either way, he has the voice, and the influential power of a classic, Texan, "good ol' boy". I hope he actually changes minds.

Now playing

Dale's been a fixture in Dallas sportscasting since the 80's. He's always been ind of bombastic for my tastes, but on more than just this occasion he's been willing to tell the truth that so many in his line of work won't do.

I had never heard of Dale Hansen before this but I'm pretty sure this is the first time that Ellen Degeneres has ever tweeted about him.

As a regular viewer of WFAA and Hansen's I can tell you this commentary is representative of many of his others. He does not suffer fools gladly and has no patience or tolerance for athletes and their antics. I think we've all thought the same thing as Hansen and Jon Stewart in comparing the Michael Sam situation to

Dale Hansen is the man. Been running shit in Dallas longer than I've been alive. I get that people from other places will express shock about an old Texas newscaster being open and progressive, but its not a shock to anyone down here, Hansen has always been cool.

Texas is a complicated state. Its people will surprise you sometimes.