
Jerry Sandusky what seen raping a child. Michael said he wasn’t a molester. How dare somebody say I’m not a molester?

Giveme a break with this for Superior attitude. If you care so much about their false allegation you would have followed the civil suit. Both civil suits that they lost because their stories evolved. Waze on mother’s testimony refuted Wade’s lies. Actual victims or not helped by liars being given a platform.

Yeah. That's not true.

No. Michael is a victim of liars and opportunistic trash. Michael was surrounded by people who insinuated themselves into his life. Took advantage of his trust and friendship and turned it into something evil when it benefited them. Their lies can be refuted with fat. People are so weak of mind. Someone makes up a

This mockumentary is based on disgusting, vile, salacious lies that stem from two unsuccessful civil lawsuits. I am so sick of people reporting this trash like it is fact. Actual journalists do actual research into what is said. Actual journalists offer a counterpoint to the lies. Michael is not here to defend

I think it was played perfectly. Dany is on that, “Kneel before Zod,” tip. She is not seeking romance. Jon is trying to convince everyone that they are going to die if they don’t listen to him. I choose to believe it was sone on purpose. Yes, they are both gorgeous, but I think the show won’t got there. That’s her

Lost me at the needless Hillary barb.

I hated the trailers for Suicide Squad because of the  music. Totally messed them up for me. They didn’t match what was going on. Great sons thrown on top of random scenes. Nothing was cohesive.

People are b!tching about music in a trailer. Really? I guess.

That’s what I did. I skipped everything once Lois arrived and went to Season 8. Seasons 8-10 of Smallvile were pretty good.

I’d choose Luke over Han everytime. I was always a Luke girl.

The same angry person that confront MOB, probably stood up and then ran to shake Art Briles hand when he showed up in the stands. PATHETIC.

I see 12 dots. Easily.

Speaking of crushes...

Nah. You’re right the money. I never, really connected with either character. Hunter was okay, at times. Bobbi, bored me. I did not expect to. Hunter and Bobbi together? It was a chore to endure.

My thoughts exactly. I was actually happy when they left. Bobbi and Hunter (together and seperately,) bog down whatever storyline they are involved in.

It love Superman 3 in all it’s campiness. Drunk Superman was greatness. Fight me.

Exactly. WTH? We immediately remove it from it’s habitat? How human of us.

Why are people so bothered by female superheros having love lives? The need to equate being a strong woman with a woman that has no outside life/love interest is ridiculous, to me.

Get out of my mind!