
A surrender option is the one thing I really, really hope is never added. The games are already (usually) shorter than any LoL or Dota game, and people have a tendancy to just give up after one or two bad early teamfights, when in reality HotS is a game where a bad series of engages can be completely reversed by one

Kotaku doesn’t really do DotA until they absolutely have to, so expect a post like the day of the grand finals with a link to the twitch stream.

Not bad for a first tournament. Are they planning a compendium type feature (like DotA2) to contribute to the prizepool?

This article could be summed up thusly:

Valve is the Nintendo of the west.

That’s a neat ult. It reminds me a lot of Weaver’s in Dota2 only a little different. Weaver’s is:

Auto-playing videos WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!? FUCK!

All the videos in the article autoplay. If you can’t turn it off, please just link to the official page.

I was really confused with what was going on until I realized there were FIVE auto-playing videos with audio on this article.

That is a good thing to have automatically done. Dota has banter but it doesn’t have much to do with the current state of the match, just heroes bantering about moving places or interacting with other heroes. However Dota does have a chatwheel that you can select phrases to say to your team quickly such as:

Throughout the aeons he has been known by many names…but his true name of power…is Carl.

Amen to this. Times in the pro scene like when Faceless Void started to be played offlane and Kunnka support whenever it shows up are one of the things that has kept me playing dota for so damn long.

The worst part of League is when you build out particular champions with runes only to have them nerfed multiple times in succession. When they “improved” the jungle, it effectively rendered most of the line-up in my possession useless, and that was the last straw for me.

I tried my hand at LoL, at a couple friends request, and i could never really get into it due to the stupidly high prices. Seriously, say what you want about Smite but at least they charged me a flat rate to experience everything the game had to offer.

So, why should I get this over DOTA? It looks really nice, but paying for heroes sounds like a ripoff.

Brewmaster is more like Chen... the Legendary Brewmaster.

Thankfully, an update finally cosigned that issue—...—to oblivion.

I’d LOVE for them to follow Smite’s lead here, and require a player to have mastery in a champ before being able to play them in ranked. Weeds out the first time/crappy players of a champ in ranked matches.