
Recently rewatched Kai with the missus, enough Frieza talk for a lifetime right there

It’s the best game they made in my opinion. It’s the full package, no sequel, no nonsense, just awesome. Dks1 has the best world, to be sure, and I love the story oh so much. But Bloodborne NAILS the gameplay, nails the atmosphere, nails the music, the story, the world. I love it. If only I could get it again for pc

The fact that a mission earns praise for actually giving the freedom to leave via helo or through the front door is, in my opinion, a statement on how poor most of the coop content of GTA Online actually is.


I want this, but I won’t get it. Not willing to support the business practice. It’s a decent port for consoles, and a long overdue patch for the abysmal PC version. Hackers run rampant already (See Malcolm Reynolds hacking stream) because next to nothing was fixed. They advertise the improved matchmaking but all the

You can point at pretty much any vintage collection and say that it looks like a pile of junk...

Hey Chris, big fan of the highlight reel. Do you guys care if we watch it here or on the tube? Just curious :) Thanks for the good stuff - Best, This Guy

Perhaps they found totally unexpected FPS drops in certain areas

My neighbors are refugees and I am teaching them German and English. Good people. It’s important to help others. My mother taught me that, and so did the aftermath of WW2. I think I’m a-ok with the “crisis”. Maybe you should read less Breitbart?

hey Shy, guy from the only country with regular mass shootings.

Personally I’ve seen more violence caused by Mario Kart than any other game series.

I am constantly mourning the fact the BB doesn’t come in 60 fps on my pc, but every time I go back to it (or HZD for that matter) it only takes a couple of minutes to get used to 30 fps again. It’s less good, obviously, but no deal breaker - at all. If I get to choose, I go for 144fps & hz on my pc every time, but

In ye olde days games weren’t 50 hour open world RPG’s so there is no excuse to exclude a save option - unless players can opt for it (like a survival mode).

This day and age, games (on PC) can become so cheap that everyone can afford them. All one needs is patience, a link to humblebundle and a watchlist on Steam. Back in the day when “everyone” pirated I did it a whole bunch too but I stopped as soon as I had an actual income (after uni). If there had been half as many

In case you Want To Know More about this stuff, watch “The King of Kong” !

Yes, indeed!

My personal all-time favorite is the “From the Dark” by EpicNameBro on YouTube.

There’s a lot of shooters, but there always were! It’s probably the most popular genre in gaming ever since its inception, but that hardly matters (and I don’t know if it’s true). There are so many great alternatives :)

Don’t feed it

I totally get this, this was my first impression as well. If you do want to keep playing, the key is to learn the activities that you like and stick to them. Ideally get a friend to play with. You can do “survival” shootout missions which are PvE which are good fun (and work solo). Sometimes you get invitations to