Commander Catbug

As a new-ish Switch owner, I love my console. It even got me into the Zelda series that I had ignored any main console games since Zelda II. (handheld games were always fun) I bought ARMS at release. Played it until Splatoon 2 came out and that pretty much settled things.

I played both Testpunches, trying motion and Pro Controller, and enjoyed both sessions.

This is not cool. Brock and Misty are as much a part of the original series as Ash.

Oh that’s better. ;-)

No Donald Trump?
How disappointing. ;-(

Ah. This reminds me that my screen protector should arrive this week. Mmm, tempered glass.

Agreed. It’s the reason I’m turned off. That, and it feels like a cheaper GTA-rip featuring a niche gimmick (hacking ... excuse me, hacking everything!). Also, I tend to have to like the main character in these types of games somewhat, and neither main in either Watch Dogs game does it for me. I liked Claire in WD,

I wasn’t a fan of the marketing and “hip and edgy” tone of the game.

Wow someone actually looked at this situation and said “Yes, I will give my money to some kids with inflated egos and no business experience plus vape tricks”. A fool and his money

Oak Lives Matter

Wow. These people are frighteningly out of touch.

Niantic has been terrible at communicating with its players. Maybe literally taking money out of their pocket will send a message that they can’t ignore.

Just wait until RDR2 gets an October release date. My wallet is going to be so hurting...