
They keep the password in the same place. Pencil. How long would it take to crack that today, like 10min?

You better pitch that one quick!

And The Cape was not a great show.

Were civilized now.

I am guessing that if I had to line up shoulder to shoulder and fire into group of there people, I am guessing that I may get PSTD.

I am not sure how much it would help if you were hit by cannon fire.

MSG makes everything taste better.

You have to be careful to watch out for their bodies though.

Who don't they execute in China?

Well, since they are pretty lax in who they are willing to execute once in prison, I don't think they think too much about it before they get there.

I didn't mean to say that you were going off topic so much as to say that abortion is a huge issue, with many facets. However I now find it interesting that you say it is up to the mother and father to decide. I was under the impression that it was the womans alone to decide what should happen.

@The5thElephant: Now you are getting off topic when bringing up adoption and the differences between international adoption and domestic adoption. I think this just shows that the abortion topic to much larger then just one issue.

Then I think it is best if no labels are used, as the degree that one feels to one side or the other of this issue would change the type of label that would be used. But an argument about labels only disracts one from the main topic which doesn't need to be discussed in the forum.

I guess I feel that names should be more like Pro-abortion/anti-abortion. Since people who are for "choice" are for abortion while other are against it and therefor anti

I agree, I am now going to refer to pro-choice people as pro-death.

That makes no sense; it would have to be the first 10 floors as you don't want some crazy animal going through a window off the 50th floor. I guess these developers would have to not be interested in money since they would loose tons of it by not leasing the afore mentioned floors and the people and time needed to

I agree, and it doesn't help that most of them are lawyers.

I don't understand why this is such a big deal? I mean it's not like people were going to their site to give donations or join up with them. So taking down their website only affects them and since for the most part they are one family; all they have to do is call each other. Let me know when someone is able to get

But that would not have made me think our politicians were weak minded.

Sounds like fun, we just had a Kinect tournament at my work, very fun.