
@thechansen: Ultima 7 was the best, I never got tired of playing that game.

When I was in Jr. High we made a planetarium that was just like this, we made the constellations by poking small holes in the top and sides

@lpranal: "How much you you wanna bet I can throw over those mountains?"

@C0ldFusi0n: But when I pull it up on my iphone4 it looks great. Must be some kind of browser problem.

@scootly: Same here, and I was not able to go to their site. I want to get one for my wife, she made one for herself; but I think she would like this more.

According to Google, I am most likley one of two people: 1) Radio Executive in UK or 2) German Hip Hop artist. I hope it is #2 as I like the stuff I heard on his site.

@Die Fledermaus: The difference between Milli Vanilli and The Monkeys is that The Monkeys could play but didn't (atleast for first part) and Milli Vanilli couldn't sing at all.

@Caturday Yet?: "That's quite gay. Gay musical... Aren't all musicals gay? This must be, like, the gayest musical ever made. "

@jmeltzer: Should have built it a ladder.

@boslok: You can take the tags off after you own it. I guess if the city gave you pillows to use but wanted them back you may not be able to remove them.

@my name is jonas: I used to use shortcuts for texting when I had a 10 key dumb phone, but as soon as I started using a phone with a full keyboard I moved back to typing full words.

@trs: Me too! I was just thinking about that.

@Zordon: There are many spellings depending on which language you are speaking

I was always Tom's biggest flawn

@Bilsko: I think they are motion activated, so if they are inside and it only starts recording when you walk infront of it and then leave the room thats only like 10sec of film and if your not home for 8+ hrs per day it could last for a week.

Now I just have to figure out how to put them up in such a way my neighbors don't think I have turned to making and dealing drugs.

@csl5049: I think you mean "boys hole"