
What's the exact functionality of this app. If I press volume up will send the call straight to voicemail, if I press volume down it will silence the phone but it will still be ringing. I like the later because it doesn't seem like I'm purposely ignoring you.

Argg, the world is still catching up to h.264 video. I don't need a new standard yet, just make my internet faster.

When AT&T was the only iPhone game in town I took shit from them because I didn't really have a choice. Yet somehow with the rise of Android and iPhone on other carriers. The plans haven't gotten better, they've gotten worse. I'm gong pre-paid when my unlimited data plan contract with Verizon expires. I refused to be

Site should give you an option to manually enter an IP not just look at the one your currently using.

But coming from the other side, sometimes I read texts I don't want to deal with right now and don't need people hating on me because I ignored them for a few hours.

The prepaid carriers never have the latest phones that's the problem. Yeah you can get them to work on prepaid sometimes but most prepaids in the US don't us SIM so you can't swap in a prepaid SIM. It takes a lot of finagling.

Anyway to enable this after entering the password once. I don't mind it to initially confirm that its me using my ID and not someone else but for every app I DL after that it should just do it automatically. Have it reset after an hour or something. Does the pro version have this capability?

IDK how you could look at the Xbox 360 and PS3/Wii launches and say people don't care about console news. People don't care right now because there are no new consoles and won't be for some time because the hardware required for a true next generation leap isn't cheap enough to mass produce yet.

1680x1050. That's the resolution of my 6 month old MBP, which I had to pay extra for to bump up from 1440x900.

iStumbler for users still on Snow Leopard or below.

They use 256Kb/s aac DRM-free tracks. It does write the purchase informations into the track so if you were to offer it up to the web, it could be traced back to you. But there is software that removes those tags.

Proper grammar just doesn't click for some people. It doesn't help that they barely teach it in school anymore. I learned more about grammar in two years of high school french then I ever did in 13 years of reading/english classes. I'm properly educated and stil make a ton of grammatical mistakes that I just won't

I'll wait for the mimicked gmail theme.

WTF are all you Gamecube controller fanboys smoking? Gamecube controller had irregular face buttons including a overtly small B button which made playing zelda suck. The c-stick which was more of an octogonal nipple than an analogue stick. The shoulder buttons were to springy and took too long to register a button

Maybe we can actually have a GT game at the PS4 launch. Sony hasn't had a strong debut lineup since the PS1. GT3 is what sold me on the PS2 way back in 2001. That game still looks impressive today!

I don't want to send message from my email address from my phone, that just confuses people. I rather have it be all one conversation, especially since it defaults to cellular txts sometimes when iMessage is unavailable. I don't want to give out my email to everyone I txt also.

Am I the only one who has never confused an iPhone with any Android phone ever, including the Galaxy S? Don't even get me started on the iPad. I'm sorry but there's not a lot of room for creatiity with these devices. After all they're all rectangular screens with minimal bezels.

Makes sense, VNC never had great framerate and now we know why.

I usually wait until the .1 update to move on to a new OS. Every Apple OS has had problems with the .0 release. There is nothing that I need in Mountain Lion that badly, just some things that are nice to have.

I want to use it but no one had made anything worthwhile for it yet. Every thunderbolt drive is hella expensive. There are no thunderbolt external enclosures. One company has made a dock and it's missing ports and it's ugly as shit and overpriced. Even Apple's own adapters don't have daisy chain ports so your stuck