
I realize they have a non-retina 15 inch MBP but I thought retina was the only thing it lacked, I thought the form factor was the same and apparently it's not. I didn't think Apple would release two 15 inch pros with different form factors at the same time but they did.

Opening it up never voided the warranty. You could always change the RAM without voiding the warranty, not sure about HDD though.

I bought a MBP this winter because I knew this was going to happen. I saw the writing on the wall with the Macbook Air. The only way to make it thinner was to ditch all the standardized equipment which meant soldered on RAM and non-2.5 inch SSD. I may not have retina but I have a 2.4GHz i7, 16GB of RAM a 128GB SSD and

Actually it uses an 1600MHZ DDR3 so two 8GBx2 is actually abotu $100.

HDD =/= SSD.

Time to move on.

Now I understand why the 15inch MBP price has been artificially high, even for a premium machine, the last couple years. It's so they could stick this ridiculous display in it without raising the price to much. I mean seriously they don't even make 1080p TVs smaller than 27inches, and this thing is super-HD in a 15

A pokemon MMO would have to be carefully done. Kids like pokemon, really young kids so how do you 'protect' them from an open online community. Plus there's also the fact that anyone past puberty is going to HATE a pokemon universe filled with way to many 8-10 year olds.

No just laughably big SSDs at 412 and 756GB!

Thunderbolt/usb 3.0 adapter. I know it's not uber convenient but it's not like it's gone forever.

Is anyone else starting to notice this trend. Alot of my younger friends don't have TVs and don't feel the need to ever get one because their computer screen is good enough for them

I torrent Game of Thrones but I also have HBO, sometimes I watch it live on HBO, sometimes I torrent it to watch later that week. I don't feel guilty about it because it's a product I already paid for, and 1.5GB MKVs are easier than dealing with discs and offer better quality than streaming and iTunes movie DRM which

If that's next gen, it'll be the most pathetic quality leap to the next console generation ever.

No just no, irregular face buttons, a Z button that only pressed down on one side, springy shoulder buttons with awkward shapes that took forever to register a command with a hard click, and the c-stick was a poor excuse for a second analogue stick.

Anyway to make this the default without having to press option+shift either with Secrets, or KeyRemap4Macbook, or even in the keyboard preferences?

It's a PS3 exclusive that's the problem. If the show was on 360 it wouldn't be that big a story.

They'll still sell a bunch of vertical stands just like Sony did with the PS2.

It makes more sense to me to have a female input mounting box inside the cabinet so you don't have to run all the wires up to the tv, like they do in newer hotel rooms these days. That makes much more sense to me because then you wouldn't even need to run your own cables up to the display and the mount/stand can be

Can I get my arcade car physics back?

Because it would hardly cover any area. Cable companies have fought tooth and nail to keep verizon from running fiber optics into their areas.