C-Rob KY


You guys missed the best part. There was a moment around 1;30 where officers reported a Louisville fan bearing an assault rifle on state Street. I really, really hope someone recorded the police scanner for the entirety.

And you haven't mastered semantics.

I could be wrong but I remember reading something about a command center being located in the building. Google it, like I said I'm not 100 percent about that.

Him not facing any charges because it was an accident seems like it was pretty well covered.

Glad to hear someone knowing about op Northwoods

We're talking about someone who shot a guy and the injured party apologized.

Could he scare me into not snitching? Yes.

I demand a recount.

Two words: Dick Cheney

I guess that would be collateral damage as well.

Kentucky isn't blue? I'm confused. Unless that mustard color is representative of a fifty fifty split between KY and U of L then I believe these results aren't valid. Hanging chads

Building 7 is hard to argue against.

It's almost like they are inviting the idea of rioting. We dealt with the same in Lexington in 2012