I think the appropriate response to this is something like YASSSSSSSS, Bitch!
I think the appropriate response to this is something like YASSSSSSSS, Bitch!
Preface: I work at a public library. In order to keep my reference skills up to snuff, I will occasionally go down internet rabbit holes, because it makes me feel good to find stuff!
I’m not sure whether that’s lovely and heartwarming because American history, or kinda skeeves me out because Jefferson spent his leisure time raping his slaves.
I think Pelosi is going to have a rough ride and realize she has to get on board with their agenda more than they have to get on board with hers.
All the people trying to attack IIhan and Rashida for being Muslim will just further highlight their lack of knowledge about the history of America.
My first day working as young puppy clerk, I think I wore something similar to this minus the chapeau and dog, same enthusiasm. They took care of that right quick.
I didn’t include this but...!
Republicans were going to dress in their traditional garb but they couldn’t find enough white sheets.
Hi there! I admire Elizabeth Warren personally, and also understood it as a joke. This piece fact-checks Michelob Ultra’s effectiveness as a stain remover, cocktail mixer, and light beverage. It’s not like it was pitched to Politico first. Thanks for reading!
I guess the lesson is if you’re going to be a child star, learn how money works just in case your health breaks down and you need to live a quiet life managing an artisanal retail shop downplaying how you have a net worth of at least 40 million. Probably more if you factor in shell companies.
Oh man, my GF brings me Biscoffs every time she flies for work and it’s like a golden treasure to me. Oddly, saw a pack at the local store a couple days ago and I passed, like they’re only good when they’re special from the airline or something. I’m apparently a weirdo.
The co-worker shouldn’t have held her back so she could finish the job.
Between the multiple accusations, her recanting (at least once, maybe again here?) and what she said on Good Morning America about why she recanted, this reads like a pretty classic domestic abuse situation.
If memory serves correctly he had some sort of brain injury happen to him where he doesn’t even really remember the part of his life where he was on “Malcolm in the Middle”. So it’s good to see him doing something that keeps him happy and pays the bills. Seems like things could have easily gone the other way.
Ahem. For another take:
This is the wholesome sort of stuff I need for 2019.
This isn’t going to help rehabilitate the image of “Florida man” at all, is it?
Oh, how funny. I just got an Instant Pot for Christmas, and while I’ve already been indoctrinated to the cult by the best spare ribs I’ve ever made, I turned up my nose at the idea of making rice in it. My Kotobuki stovetop rice maker is beautiful and perfect, and in fact, I bought it instead of an Instant Pot when I…