
Now go look at a 1998 Taurus...  You’ll think the Camry is beautiful.

BMW engineers spend hundreds of hours designing the packaging of the tire changing tools in the trunk of a car, but will leave it up to the supplier to ensure that air suspension valves meet specs (with predictable results).

This should be COTD right here.


Where’s the “list”?  (and yes, I see the damn “sign up for spotify” link). I don’t want spoyify, just the list, please

Asking the real questions, right here.

Nod your head, “Howyadoin?” and keep moving.  

This is true.  A friend once mentioned to me that his policy was to hold the door if the person behind him was close enough that they would otherwise, at their current pace, reach the door before it closed.  I have lived my life by that policy ever since.

Correct. Now how do I correctly pass a coworker in a long hallway that I only kind of know?

I suspect crummy lighting, but then again those old plastics yellow something fierce.

Japanese team.

I like the red one, but the “white” one looks like the “before” picture in a detergent commercial.

Nobody has chest hair at Nintendo.

Ha ha, the jokes is on Russia, they have to keep the Palin clan

I heard he was going to give Alaska back.. the Dems did a bad deal back then and he wants to fix it.

But weird that it is a Texas plate.