A BMW M2 competitor...
A BMW M2 competitor...
The Nurburgring in the US would be call “LawyeRup”.
Funny, glad you wrote this article Jason.
As Catholic, I say that if Jesus even got sentenced by the people this week, so shall Trump and his tarts...
We aLL know politicians are liars, but this administration is doing so blatantly, without any tact and so shamelessly is such an insult to all of our collective intelligence’s face, this is unbelievable. What alternate reality are we living in, and the wrose is: how are we even facilitating and continue to allow it as…
Thank you so very much Jason for performing rightfully your journalistic duties, by reporting and calling out this BS...
So they get to work right away to prevent another AOC, but they don't bother getting rid of of the electoral college to prevent another Trump ?!?!
I am not the least worried or even bothered by such an insignificant and natural effect...
SHAWD PAWS MIAO MIAO or something along those lines...
SHAWD PAWS MIAO MIAO or something along those lines...
SHAWD PAWS MIAO MIAO or something along those lines...
Headlights that no longer face inward... Thank God finally....
Madness.... Society is going down.... Down to insanity...
Whether it is real or fake, true or false ...
Thank you Hamilton!!!
Dude you and the rest of the population are about 5 years late.... They (Koreans) are on par with the best of Japanese...beating the American car companies for a few years now... Go test drive one for yourself and stop doubting for your own sake...
I loved it when it was first announced here on Jalopnik, and would not hesitate to buy it if I had the means.
We can never get tired of kindness...
The first 30min playing Zelda on the nes, I believe to be my first time with a “RPG” and realized how great of a game it is, and much I love that type of game....