Butt first!
Butt first!
I'm getting married on Wednesday y'all! San Francisco City Hall, bought my dress for $27, and my daughter / flower girl may be dressed as Batgirl. We're eating BBQ after. Or maybe finding a pub.
You must have strangled your wrists not to type DUH at the end of that.
yeah, we've all the Mary Martin version. The question is, have you seen it any time in the last five years? Because it's nice, but it really doesn't hold up to the nostalgia people have about it. Hell, I liked Sandy Duncan's better.
But isn't that because Peter is supposed to be slightly older/bigger than the Lost Boys? These Lost Boys were, like, college students.
Let's add "Cali" to this list.
LeAnn, tho it wasn't necessary… thank you for giving me reason #3827983275987 for hating you. Kindly take a seat and STFU
This happened to me today:
Chicago. Sorry, most of my pics are garbage.
So the Lost Boys are just, like, gayer Newsies
I just think Terry Crews is the most delightful person, and that opinion is compounded every time I watch him in an interview. I even love the way they initially cast him in Brooklyn 99, which is as a sergeant who has to stop working in the field for a while because he gets panic attacks at the thought of dying and…
Last night I wish somebody stabbed me. My mother in law said: "I consider myself a progressive but why can't lesbians dress better? They aren't doing themselves any favors by trying to look like men. They should look more feminine and who knows, maybe they will catch the eye of a man and become straight. Isn't…
Ghost Cake
That would be a whole part of the movie where there's a montage of her figuring out how to user her ghostly powers to manipulate eggs, bowls, blenders, etc. There will be all kinds of funny scenes where a flower bag explodes, eggs crash into the ceiling, cake batter flies out of a bowl, etc.
I know, right? The first thing I did was search Netflix and Amazon Prime for Anna Kendrick movies.
It's actually pretty hard to crack eggs properly when you're made of ectoplasm. So you'll want to provide her eggs already separated for her.
I would watch the shit out of that movie!
I wanted to include this in DB, but ran out of time! Anyway, Emma Stone is the shit.